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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas..... Is love in action

As all of you probably know Adam and I are going to be in Hawaii for Christmas this year thanks all in part to Adam's mother Vicki.. Thanks ma if your reading this!!! Adam and I gave each other 100 dollars to spend on our gifts for one another. So since we will not be here we didn't want to haul all the gifts to Hawaii we decided to open them on an earlier date which was decided would be Friday the 12th so we would have a whole weekend and week to spend with our gifts LOL ( also Adam couldn't wait any longer )  So on Friday night we opened our gifts from each other and also ones to the both us. We had a blast! Since this was our first real Christmas together we enjoyed it to the fullest. We loved everything we got and were as happy as could be.  Here are some pictures Adam and I took of the magical event in our lives. Thanks Adam for making our first Christmas one to remember. Love You :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The future home of the Collet's!!! ok maybe not.....

Hey Everyone,

Adam and had a ton of fun building our gingerbread house last night, though it was messy it was a blast!! We had purchased a kit from Sam's Club and decided we would do it before we took off to Hawaii. So last night we busted the kit out and our creative minds went to work. When we opened our kit the foundation was cracked in three places we had to fix that before we could begin our work. When we would have any excess icing anywhere we would eat it and pretty soon I hoping I would not end up having a stomach ache by the time we finished our house. LOL Adam kept eating all the candy which ended up being OK since we had plenty left over. As you can see from the collage our final product looks nothing like the picture on the box ( it never does) it turned pretty darn cute if you ask me, but then maybe I'm just a bit biased. :)  I think next year we will probably not be doing a gingerbread house I think we will just stick to decorating cookies. But I guess that can be just as messy too!! Stay tuned for next years blog to see what we come up with next!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

ScRaBbLe FuN nIGhT!!

JuSt wAnTeD tO Let YoU aLl KnOw Of ThE fUn ThInGs AdAm AnD I dO wItH oUr TiMe At NiGhT tOgEtHeR. So ToNiGhT wE dEcIdEd To PlAy ScRaBbLe... It WaS sO mUcH fUn. I hAdN't plAyEd ThAt GaMe In YeArS aNd I wAs NeRvOuS tO pLaY wItH AdAm SiNcE hE iS vErY vErY gOoD aT pUlLiNg WoRdS fRoM hIs HeAd aNd A vErY bRoAd VoCaBuLaRy, I dEcIdEd tO tAkE tHe ChAnCe On LoSiNg To HaVe SoMe FuN. I DiD lOsE bUt It'S oK I hAd A gReAt tImE aNyWaY!! We BaKeD mOzZaReLlA sTiCkS tO eAt WhIlE pLaYiNg AnD bOy ThEy WeRe YuMmY. OvErAlL iT wAs A fUn NiGhT hAd By AlL!!