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Saturday, April 25, 2009

What a BeAuTiFuL EaRtH we have...

What a magical world we live in.... Today we saw the movie Earth by Disneynature. I have always known that there were amazing places on Earth but every time I watch a movie like this I always wish it will never end!! The planet we live on is more complicated and yet so simple at the same time. Beauty is all around us but sometimes we don't realize it because we live in a world with many distractions but once we take away all that we have its core beauty. The animals that are in the movie are amazing. It's one thing to see them in a zoo or amusement park and a total other to see them in their own element. They are constantly battling not only at  times the unforgiving elements that surround them but the other animals that see them as there next meal. The risks that at times are not choices but musts.  They are willing to do anything to protect the next generation of young. 

How easy do we have it to just be able to have a roof over are heads to protect us from the harsh elements. We don't to have to stalk or walk/swim hundred miles to find our next meal not knowing if it will even be there when we arrive. I am so grateful that I have what I have!! To be able to feel safe and taken care. Yes we have things that we have to worry about that the wildlife don't but I think I would take what I have over them any day!! Heavenly Father created this BeAuTiFuL EaRtH for us to enjoy and I am grateful for those who may have risked or sacrificed to make this movie. I'm definitely amazed at the circle of life..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The sweetest thing....at least to me anyway :)

Yesterday Adam said he had a surprise for me and of course I ask what is it LOL!! He said it wouldn't be a surprise if he told me. We played Disney Scene It and the whole time I'm thinking to myself what could it be.  Afterwards he presents me with a CD with the game [Yahtzee] on it!!! I was so so so excited!!! You might question my excitement over a silly [Yahtzee] game but the reason I was so excited over it was because for the last few months I have been downloading it off the net and without buying it you only have 60 minutes of play time. It was becoming so annoying that right in the middle of my game it would shut down since I was out of time... :( 
Now that's all about to change cause Adam is the best and like I said before he gave me the game on CD so I now don't have to only play for only 60 min...which by the way goes by really fast!! LOL
Thanks Adam your the best!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

a [FUN] day [AT] the [ZOO] Take 1

Adam and I had a blast at the [ZOO] today!! It was perfect weather and the animals were fairly active. I loved being able to get out of the house and doing something fun with Adam!! We have never been to the [ZOO] together before so this was a new experience for both of us. We have not been there in a long time.....and it has changed a bit since I was there last.  It was such a laid back day just strolling around the [ZOO] and seeing the wonders of the animals.  I took a ton of pics so here are some of the best ones!! [ENJOY]

a [FUN] day [AT] the [ZOO]-----Take 2

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

1..2..3 Picture [TAG]

So... I saw this cute tag idea and wanted to do one myself. What you do is you post the [1st pic from your 1st album] [2ND pic from your 2ND album] and so on and so forth.....you get the idea so here it goes we have quite a few albums :) 


Pic from the [wedding]... I love this pic


Greg and Stephen (cousins) waiting to get on the [plane] to go to Disneyland :)


Pic from [Adam's] 23rd b-day 


 Pic from [Andy's] 11Th b-day party


Adam and I at Anniversary Inn for our [honeymoon]


This is our [DVD holders] we got from IKEA...love em


This is as you can tell is a [bridal] pic


This is me holding are new cousin [Maxwell] on Adam's side
(He is a bit older now)


This is [ME] when I was a little one


This one our first trip to [Disneyland] in Sept 08

Well...I could go on but I think that 10 is plenty for now I don't want to overload you with our Collet awesomeness!!! LOL

Monday, April 13, 2009

EaStEr HaS ArRiVeD....AnD hAs NoW PaSsEd !!

Happy Easter!! This was our first Easter married YEAH!! Adam and I had an exhausting weekend watching a friends baby Parker Wesley Friday to Saturday. After dropping him off at home we decided go house hunting, we had a blast looking and talking about what we want our future home to be. Since we were already tired that just made us more tired. By the time we were on our way home, my head was swimming with details of what we had just learned. I am excited to see what the future holds for our little family...back to the weekend. On Sunday we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's where we enjoyed a fabulous dinner and the yearly string game which we have been doing ever since I can remember. It starts with all of the grandchildren getting a small spool of yarn that has been made into a big spider web like design. Then we all find where are sting ends and begin and start winding and pretty soon we are trying not to get in each others way LOL It is definitely a tradition that we will never forget!! I know Adam and I are grateful for this fun and eventful weekend!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I have been wanting to post the pics of our apartment for awhile but it took me so long to finally take them because either a) I forget to or b) it's hardly ever clean enough to take pics. I finally got some taken and I wanted to post a few here so everyone can see a glimpse into the Collet household :). We have had such a good experience here at Serengeti Springs!! I was nervous for apartment living. All the noises and having the neighbors so close. I have been pleasantly surprised to see just how much I enjoy it. One of the reasons I love it is because of the amazing man I get to share it with. Here are some of the pics Adam took:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Guess who's turning 11......Andy!!

Adam and I went to Andy's (my cousin) 11th birthday party last night!! It was a blast and Andy got a lot of gifts....more than I thought he would. We gave him a big Pirates of the Caribeean coloring book that had some cool magic markers that made the color appear!! He loved it. I tried to take a bunch of pics and I made a collage with all of them 
He is getting is so big!

(click on the image to enlarge)

Monday, April 6, 2009

What a difference a day makes........like a Monday!!!

Here is the account of Adam's MoNdAy.... and oh what a day! Since Adam hardly ever blog's I thought his account of the day would make for a great blog post....so here it is!

- Got in the truck to go to work. Made it a good 20 feet before I realized something was wrong. Sure enough, had a flat...

At this point, didn't think I had a spare (later learned I do, hiding up underneath the back of the truck).
- Knew I was just gonna have to deal with the problem, so I started jacking the car up. Jack broke (handle where it connects to the main body).
- Grandpa (Ashley's Grandpa) shortly arrives to help. We get the truck jacked up. Get the lug wrench out to start tacking the tire off, only to learn the lug wrench is the wrong size. (???). Drive to grandpa's house to retrieve star wrench and drive back.
- None of the four wrenches on the star wrench are the right size (one appears it might be but just isn't deep enough)
- Drive to auto zone and buy a socket wrench and driver.
- It is the right size and we get to work loosening to lug nuts. All is going well until one of the lug nuts turns out, some how, to be a different size than the others!
- We drive back to grandpa's house and get four other sockets, a wrench, and an extender. Driver back to the truck.
- Try out all four sockets (including the likely choice of 7/8 ... the other's were 3/4) ... naturally, none of them work.
- As a side note, at some point during all of this, we discovered that if we ever did get the #(*$&#(*&$ tire off, we would need the broken jack part to lower the spare tire (we were ignoring this fact, having decided that we would just repair the tire instead, and deal with the spare issue at a later point).
- Needless, we gave up, called State Farm to determine they would in fact cover a tow service, then called the tow company.
- Waited 1.5+ hours for tow truck to arrive. Tow truck driver was very nice and helpful, got things going nicely and we talked while driving to the Discount Tire.
- Discount Tire was happy to take a look at the tire. If it was repairable they would do so for free (wow), but I was in line behind a few cars and would have to wait another 1-1.5 hours
- As I had no transportation, I walked to a nearby gas station, bought a Sobe, then went to a Beans & Brew across the street and sat at a bench outside and played around on my phone
- Eventually, I went back to discount tire, learned the side wall of my tire was damaged, paid the 70 some-odd $$ to get a new one, Ashley arrived having gotten of work, and the ordeal was at last over

It was a Monday!

So, how was everyone else's day?