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Monday, August 31, 2009

Sleep Apnea...Poor Adam

A couple of weeks ago Adam went to see his new Neuorologist Dr. Zimmerman since Dr. Savia moved away. The doctor said that he might be getting headaches due to Sleep Apena and asked if he had ever had a Sleep Study (polysomnography) done we replied no so she ordered one. Adam had to go in at 9:30 P.M. Saturday night( a couple of Saturday's ago) and I had to pick him up at 5:30 the next morning...Yowzers!! I slept over at my family's so I wouldn't have to be alone and so they could make sure I was awake in time to pick him up. Well the test went fine and but up until last week we did not know the results. They called Adam and he has now since been diagnosed with Sleep Apena.... Poor Guy. We were told that the medical supply company would be calling us to come pick up the machine we waited what seemed like days and no call so I had Adam call and they had not recieved our referral and they would call us back to schedule an appointment. We were also supposed to see a sleep specialist Dr. to go over the results and we still have not heard anything on that end. I not really happy that they are not organized and on the ball. Anywho we finally went to the medical suppy company on Friday to pick up and learn how to use this $2,000 machine. We get there and are pulled back into the room and the guy helping us does not speak very good english.....ughhh so we tried to listen intently and tried to follow along. It was a lot of information in a short time. Adam tried on masks and was taught what to do while at the same time I'm trying too as well but its not easy when someone talks fast and speaks not very good english and it sounds like and elephant is marching on the floor above!! I'm sure we missed a detail or two but soon enough after signing our lives away and promising to use the machine we were on our way home. That night we went to bed late and Adam was already exhausted and the mask wasn't fitting right and the frustration was starting to build... after what seemed like hours we finally got it situated enough for us to get some sleep by this time it was I think 3:30A.M. sss...ooo sss..lll..eee...eee..ppp..yyy YAWN!
He has used it every night since but has awakened a few times because of it being uncomfortable but we will get through it! I am so proud of him for even putting the effort in caring about his health.. As you can tell from the pics it doesn't look very comfortable which it's not but hopefully that will subside as the time goes by!! Wish him luck :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

.... I'm A Baby Clothes Addict.... HELP!!!

So as many of you know I have always been drawn to children and they seem to adore me as well. Ever since being a nanny to baby Taft and shopping at the baby clothing store called Carter's I can't seem to stay out of that store!! As of this moment there is NO baby in the near future but I can't help but buy baby clothes... I just love them!!! Mr C. and I both want a baby girl so most of the clothes I have purchesed have been for that gender so hopefully my baby clothes addiction will pay off someday and that they won't have to hang in the closet for very long.... You might be thinking why does Mr. C allow me to spend money on such things that are not needed immediatly well to you I say ALLOWANCE!! Yes, I spend my allowance on them but in the long run I hoping it will pay off...someday??? Mr. C is soooo awesome for putting up with my addiction, he even went to Carter's and helped me pick some out!!! I sometimes think that buying baby cholthes is just adding to my baby hunger which it is but seeing them hang in the closet gives me hope that one day our baby girl/boy will wear them and when that day comes I'll probably be at the store buying more for him/her since like I said earlier I can't help it!! Wish us luck!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

100th Blog Post....Can You Believe It!!

This is officially our 100th blog post!!! We are amazed at how fast the time has gone and that only a little over a year ago I was just barely beginning our blogging journey!! I love our blog so much and the fact that we can look back on practically anything important that has gone on in ours lives since our marriage began.. the good the not so good and everything else in between!! I made the slide show all by myself (Adam was a big help)!! It encompasses the past year and all the fun things we have done. Its 23 minutes long so if you have some time to watch that would be great I worked really hard on it. Thanks to all our readers...we love you and are looking forward to the 200th post. Enjoy!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

...Sliver=Minor Surgery...

So Yesterday after coming home from dinner with the family I was bringing in a vinyl wood sign that I had in my old room, it slipped and I felt a piece of wood go into my finger....OUCH!! I got inside and put it down and looked at my then cut open finger. It was bleeding but not too bad I run outside to Mr. C and he immediately took me inside to wash it off and to see the state the sliver was in well it was in pretty deep so we get the tweezers out but they were no help at all because they were very blunt. We had no needles so I grabbed and exacto knife from my craft room and ran it under hot water and began gently trying to get it out...no luck!! I went to work today and for those of you that know me know I work in a doctors office. I was telling a co-worker about it I told her I had not gotten the sliver out and she then began telling a very scary story about a sliver so I told my other co-worker and she said I have a hunting knife in my purse do you want me to dig it out by which I got a even more horrific look on my face and politely said no thanks and somehow the word began to travel fast about my sliver and soon my finger was being held down while the hunting knife was being used to get my sliver out. After all the trauma and digging and me almost shedding a tear or two she said "I don't think there is a sliver in there I think it's just dirt"....OH MAN! By this time my finger was throbbing she then wipes it with an alcohol wipe adding to the pain........UGHHHH!! I finally got all bandaged up and after awhile the throbbing stopped and it actually felt better overall and I am able to type this blog post without any trouble so that's a plus... The pic below does not do the knife justice its turned at a weird angle, I bet the blade is a inch and half wide and very intimidating....The look on my face is priceless!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wall of Memories...

In my craft room a wall that is in front of me when I sit at my desk. So instead of it being dull and boring I decided to spice it up a bit and collect all the pictures that are older and not in scrapbooks and ones of Mr. C and I from the past year or so. So I bought some of that putty stuff at the office store and got to work!! It turned out great, it is fun to look at especially when I want to remember all the great times in my life. I left room to grow for the memories that are still in the making.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rant #1..(Who Knows There May Be More To Come)

Administration Pegs Long-Term Deficits at $9 Trillion

The mid-year review from the Office of Management and Budget, released Tuesday, estimates that the 2009 deficit will be $1.58 trillion, which is $262 billion less than officials predicted earlier in the year. But the 10-year projection rose to $9 trillion, while the Congressional Budget Office estimated the 10-year deficit at $7.1 trillion.

This is Adam's rant after he read the above linked article. Told him I would put it on our blog for you all to have a look at though you may need to grab a bucket to puke in first. This is not a very fun article thus the not so fun rant from Mr.C a.k.a Adam..

And they want to spend *more* money. I know it's a complex situation, but to me the solution just seems obvious: start eliminating spending, first with things that just plain aren't needed, and then start reducing more budgets, and keep going until you're balanced. There are so many things that could be eliminated without affecting the quality of life, and places to spend money that will result in growth later. Take NASA for example ... I love NASA, and I would hate to see it go, but I would rather have a balanced budget (and they could still use a small fraction of the current NASA budget to fund prizes and grants for commercial space development ... I think that's where the future of it is, anyway, and they have a much bigger incentive to be economically efficient). And welfare. Imagine how much money could be saved with a revamp of the welfare system - stop giving any money or any aid of any kind to illegal citizens (other than life-threatening emergency care, which should be dealt with and then the patient deported as soon as it's safe), and unless a person is so disabled that they can never work, put strict time limits on how long someone can receive aid, and transfer some of that budget to educating those people, either helping them find a job or helping them develop skills for a job / better job (and if they don't do their job in job-hunting and/or self improvement, they immediately stop receiving aid). Spend the money to close the Mexican border more completely - and deport aliens, especially non-contributing aliens - and watch unemployment go down and more money stay in circulation in the country; or at *least* adopt a strict, harshly enforced, pay taxes or be deported policy (and by the way, deportations should be paid for by the deportee wherever possibly, but they should not be put in prison if they can't pay - better to pay for their plane ticket then to have them contribute to the over-crowding of jails and have to pay for their housing and food there. Another side note - working daily with jails, I am shocked to see how many illegal aliens are in prison, and that the feds pay insane amounts of money to the local/state jails/prisons for housing them in the form of the SCAAP grant). Also stop nationalizing / partially nationalizing banks, auto companies, and healthcare. Ever hear of capitalism? It's a pretty darn good system, and one of its advantages is that if a company has bad practices and can't manage themselves, they GO AWAY. You don't save a dieing company by throwing "one time" money at them. As a government, you don't save them at all - that is the executives' job, and if it does fail, it's simply not the government's problem. When it comes to business, the government's job is to ensure they comply with regulations / ethics (though some of that needs work too), it is not their job to keep them in the green.

OK I know I'm ranting but come *ON*. It's past time to make some hard decision, cut what needs to be cut, spend where necessary and where you get a return on investment, and introduce some EFFICIENCY into the government (so long as I'm dreaming, I might as well dream the impossible, right?). I'm not a financial expert or even close to it, at all. So maybe some of my points are wrong. But the fact is that some things need to be done, and they aren't happening. And in particular, one thing I can be sure of is that with the federal budget standing as it is, it does not make sense to spend more money on a system (healthcare) which may not be perfect, but which is working well enough.


Monday, August 24, 2009

---NeW IPhOnE GaDgEt---

Most of you know Adam and I both have IPhone's which we adore and somehow can't live without. Well on that amazing IPhone is an IPod which has a ton of music on it. We like to listen to the music we buy and download while driving in the car but you have to have a special cord or a radio transmitter in order to do that correctly. Adam's truck has the capability to use the cord however mine does not. Since we drive my car most often we end up listening to the RaDiO which is OK i guess....... But awhile back I told Adam I wanted to get a transmitter for my car and he agreed and months went by but today he surprised me and said he was getting me a transmitter for my car!!! I am so excited I can hardly wait. He found a great deal on Amazon.com and was able to purchase it right away. I posted some pics of what it will look like and hopefully it works just as good as it looks. I spend some of my allowance on songs and rarely get to listen to them but now that is all going to change thanks to my sweet husband!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Fun Filled Saturday....

Mr. Stud Muffin and I slept in til noon yesterday and when we did finally get up we had a fun day ahead of us all of which was not planned prior to getting up which in my opinion made it even more enjoyable. We ate breakfast then we played the new game we got last week. I am obsessed with one of the games on there called Frisbee Golf. I didn't think I would be good at it but I actually am pretty good if I say so myself!! There are tons of games on there but that's my favorite. I would recommend the game to all Wii owners out there!!

My mom gave us a Olive Garden gift card last week and we were going to go Friday night but since it's so crowded usually on Friday nights we went on Saturday for a late lunch before the movie. Yum!! I love that place. The food is great and so is the service. Although there was a baby sitting close to us that was crying half the time we were there it was still enjoyable to me and I think Mr. Stud Muffin liked it as well.

After the delicious meal we went and saw the movie Bandslam which we were also going to do the day before but opted out of as well due to crowds and being tired. I'm glad we waited cause I'm sure I enjoyed it much more than I would have on Friday. Bandslam is a great movie that although it got low ratings on Rotten Tomatoes I loved it. The music was great, it was funny and kept me entertained since I have a tendency to fall asleep at movies. (as a side note I don't remember the last movie I fell asleep in YAY) I had never seen the actor Gaelan Connell before and it was nice to see a fresh face as the leading man. I don't think his the cutest one around but he fit perfectly for this movie. On my rating scale I give it a 7...so take that for what you think it means and go see it for yourself!!
All in all the day was great and I had a blast!! I even got to stop and spend my allowance at the shoe store and get myself two new pairs of shoes to add to my already overflowing collection. Thanks love for a great day...I'm pretty sure you had a blast too :)

....New House Video Tour....

I promised I would get some pics up of the new place Mr. Stud Muffin and I are renting in SLC. Instead of doing the same o same o...I got the video camera and created a virtual tour of the place pre-move-in. We love it here and are more settled now then in the video but its a great way to see it especially since we have family that aren't able to come see it in person so here it is. Unfortunately the video is having a hard time uploading because its so big. It has literally sat for hours trying to upload and I simply can't wait any longer so sorry guys!! I tried. I will take some pics at a later date but it is now 2 in the morning and I don't' feel like taking pics right now so hold your horses k LOL!! Love Ya

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Latest [CRAFT] Project

One of my co-workers from my last job Marissa is having a baby boy any day now so I thought why not make her some blox for his room and so here is the result of those thoughts!! Enjoy!!

FYI: I ended up taking the monkey chain off because it was just too much and I like it better with it off as well but unfortunately I didn't get any photos of the blox without it so you'll just have to use your imagination...

Friday, August 14, 2009

BBQ'er Assembly 101

So for Adam's B-day (07-14) he got a new BBQ'er and since we were in the process of moving we had not had the chance to put it together well the other night G and G P and my mom came over for our weekly visit. The boys decided to start putting the grill together well the instructions said this:

I'd like to see the people who wrote this instruction manual put the grill together in 30minutes!!

It was dark and hard to see what we were doing but at around 10 P.M. we finally finished and on Thursday we were able to grill up some great steaks!!! YUMMY

Sunday, August 9, 2009

[Storm Mountain Adventures]

Last weekend we went up in the canyons to Storm Mountain. We had just moved the day before so it was a great way to relax and unwind. For dinner each family brought there favorite kind of chicken, we brought KFC with mashed potatoes and gravy, cole slaw, and yummy corn bread. Plus I got to have my favorite thing from KFC Mac and Cheese!! We had a great time just sitting LOL ....We hardly moved our behinds from our chairs all night and that's just what we wanted to do.. We had not had the opportunity to go up to Storm Mountain all summer so it was a great retreat. Our new place is now only like 20 minutes from Storm Mountain!! YAY Even though we were all exhausted from moving the day before we all still had a fabulous time. I hoping we can go back before winter hits We'll see.............

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a [YEAR] has passed.....

Guess what everyone!!!....I have been blogging for 1 year now and I still love doing it, probably more than I did before. So much has happened since August 3rd 2008 when I created this blog and it sure is fun to look back on all that we have accomplished and all the fun memories we have enjoyed together. We will be able to look back at all the trials and triumphs we have experienced and I am grateful for them all!!

Here's to another year....

Monday, August 3, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance...my new obsession!!

So I know I said my next post would be about Storm Mountain I had to quickly talk about my new obsession!!
I have not watched any of the past seasons of SYTYCD but for some reason this year I thought I would try it out. After the first few episodes I fell in love with it and haven't stopped watching since!!! I have so much resepct for the dancers, they put everything they have into it and give each dance 11o%. I wish I could dance as good as they can!! I have uploaded some of my favorite performances for you to see if you have not seen them before. Although my favorite dancers vary from week to week I have to say Jeanine is my favorite of the girls and Brandon of the guys. Enjoy the videos :)

P.S. The first video is from last year but I love it so I included it!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

We've Moved!!!

I know I haven't posted for awhile but I assure you I have good reasons. Adam and I have been so busy with life lately that the blog was put on the back burner. I now actually have time to sit and write something lol. There are a billion things I could/should be doing right now but have no desire too. As most of you know we recently moved to SLC from West Jordan. We have only lived here a few days but already we are both loving it. Although I have not taken any pictures of our new "house" I have taken a video tour of it which hopefully Adam will help me put on here but for now you'll have to take my word for it that it's awesome!! We are so excited to be done with the moving process and can now settle in and make it more of a home. The boxes needing to be unpacked are becoming less each day. What doesn't make sense to me is how all our stuff fit in to our little apt. I knew we had a lot of stuff but until we moved it all I didn't quite know how much we really had lol. We are so grateful to all the help that was there. Thanks! Thanks! we couldn't have done it with out u guys!!

Next post: Storm Mountain