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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Since we have now have a projector that we use as a TV our other TV was not being used except for when we decide to play the Wii but that has been less lately, so yesterday I come home from work and before dinner Adam says he has a brilliant idea....my response is "Oh Boy what now" I know that sounds pessimistic but some of his ideas are a bit crazy so I never know whats going to come out of his mouth. I said "What" he says you know that TV we hardly use now, well I'm going to use it as my computer monitor ( the TV is 37 inches). I said "Oh wow are you kidding me" of course he wasn't kidding. So I am now typing this post on his computer which is now 37 inches. I swear I'm going to get a kink in my neck from trying to look up at the screen all the time. Oh well.. I get to use his monitor now so that's a plus I guess.. I'll keep you posted on any injuries I sustain due to the hugeness of our now giant computer screen!!

Wordless Wednesday

Ok, pretend there's not words on my {Wordless Wednesday} post but, I just have to say that is one of my favorite pictures of Nala and I.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

These Two are {AMAZING}

These two have already scored 10's and its only week 2 which has never happened in the history of the show!! Be sure to watch their amazing routine... I hope they can keep it up!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Best Buddies...

They love to play and wrestle together..

They love to tease each other..

These two are best buddies..

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, March 22, 2010

This is why we call her the {Nalanator}...

I know I was going to do a post on Nala at 7 months but frankly she hasn't changed much she still does the same old things. So instead of boring you with another post on whats new with Nala I decided to do a post on why we've been calling her the {Nalanator} lately!! Ok, so the other day I used the last of the Kool Aid that was in a bottle similar to the pic below. I washed it out and put the lid back on tight and gave it to Nala since she loves any empty bottle she can get her paws on. I gave it to her thinking that since it was pretty thick plastic she wouldn't be able to destroy it or even get her mouth around it because it was a pretty wide bottle. Well what I learned next was never underestimate the power of a puppy named Nala!! As you will see in the pics below she completely destroyed it in a matter of oh say 30 mins or so I thought it would last at least a few days...boy was I wrong!!

It did keep her entertained for awhile and it was a blast watching her chase it around the house!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A new project

For those few that might be interested, I am working a new project called ONX.  It's a file standard for novel writing/organizing software.

For now, it's a really simple project, though it has the potential to expand (converter software).  I haven't put a ton of time into it, and I won't need to - some research is necessary and a fair amount of thinking, but the actual amount of work is small.

If you're interested in following my progress / thoughts: www.onxstandard.blogspot.com


Ben & Melissa's wedding...03/20/2010

Yesterday my cousin Ben got married at the Oquirrh Mountain temple to his Bride Melissa. The sealing was fabulous and nice. It was an all around good day. With lots of good time spent with family.  I was not the main photographer but I still brought along my camera and was able to capture some moments from the wedding.... so here are some of the pics I took yesterday :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Silly {girl}....

We catch Nala doing random and funny things all the time but rarely do we catch them on film so lately we have been trying to better at it, so we can remember these funny things as she gets older and as our memorys fade. {thats why I love blogging}

Anyhow here are her latest and greatest! Adam even sometimes catches Nala and I doing something cute together. Enjoy!! We sure do love our Nala!

--Daddy's girl--

{Next post is Nala @ 7 months-- stay tuned for more cuteness coming to a city near you}

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cousin JaMeS came for a visit

Yesterday Adam's cousin came for a visit. He lives in Park City so not to far away but we don't get to see him often enough. He was able to break away from his "busy" schedule and come be with us for a few hours. We had a blast!! We wanted to go to Cafe Rio for dinner, we got there and the line was super long so we ended up at Jordan Landing the boys eating at Rubio's and I got Rumbi's. It was delicious! We went home and chit chatted up a storm. The boys got talking about there Scottish heritage and going to the Scottish festival in June. All that take made Adam want to try on his kilt that he has. I have known about this such kilt since the beginning of our relationship but have never seen it on him so yesterday I got the "honor" of seeing him in his kilt. This brought on many laughs and jokes LOL! Adam says you have to be really strong in your manhood in order to wear a kilt. I think I like that reasoning the best. He is partially from Scottish decent on his mom's side of the family. The funny thing was that he was wearing a U.S.A. shirt while wearing a Scottish kilt it was hilarious to say the least. I would be very ashamed of myself if I had gotten any pictures of this event. Your the best baby!!

(No animal (Nala) was harmed in the taking of this picture LOL)

Here's the picture you have all been waiting for! I was saving the best for last..

Friday, March 5, 2010

Getting "FiXeD"

Poor Nala got spayed on Thursday (March 4). It was a traumatic for both her and I. We had to drop her off at the spay and neuter clinic at 8 A.M. When we arrived there the line was long which gave Nala the chance to become even more scared. When it was our turn at the counter they asked us to have Nala get on the scale to weigh her, she would not budge so Adam had to carry her to the scale ( she is about 27lbs). After that we had to sign the consent form stating all the risks from the procedure which by the way did not help extinguish my anxiety about the whole process. Then a few moments later a nice women came around the corner to retrieve Nala girl and of course she wouldn't budge. She could sense fear in the other pets and knew that whatever was about to happen to her was not going to be fun. Before they whisked her away I was able to get a few last hugs and kisses in, a knot soon welled up in my throat and not long after that I knew tears were on there way. Even though I knew deep down that she would be fine. Saying goodbye to her was so hard, the look in her eyes broke my heart and as I was giving her kisses I told her everything would be OK and that we would come back and that I loved her. As we left the clinic I could not help but cry, she is our baby and the love that we have for her is deeper then we ever thought possible. Adam consoled me and told me everything was going to be fine. Adam and I then went to work and at 2:30 P.M. the clinic called me and said she was ready and the she was doing great. I was overjoyed and excited that my baby made it through just fine. She is now on the road to recovery but I am happy to have it out of the way and never have to go back to that clinic again. The pictures below are some I have taken post surgery..