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Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Monday, November 29, 2010

{First Date} Bliss....

3 years ago today Mr. C and I went on our first date to this place...
Played this game...
and watched this movie...

Today, we still go to Fazoli's, still play Monopoly and thankfully don't watch When a Stranger Calls! {dumb movie}

We have this website to thank...
 If it wasn't for that site I would have never met my best friend!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving was a blast this year with my family! Here are some pics from the event...Enjoy!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful (Adam)

Anyone who reads this blog knows that I don't post often here ... pretty much only when the mood strikes me, and that isn't very often.  The mood hasn't really struck me, but I can't really turn this one away, so I will do my best.

Pre-amble over, here we go.  Anyone who knows me knows I love spreadsheets, list, and anything ordered and organized like that.  So, without further ado, here is a list of things I am thankful for:

1.) Ashley / my marriage
2.) My puppy Nala
3.) My job
4.) My family
5.) My new house
6.) My worldly possessions
     a. computer
     b. phone
     c. projector
     d. etc.

I'm quite certain there are many many for things I am thankful for, but that makes a pretty good start.  If #5 catches you by surprise ... well, keep an eye out on the blog (I'm certain a post is coming up) or just ask ;).

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Grandpa's Girl

I can't explain in words how much Nala loves Adam's Dad! Even though we don't see him on a regular basis whenever we do see him she always goes bonkers. She hardly leaves his side while he is visiting. He came over the other night and I was able to snap this cute picture of Nala and her Grandpa Collet! It's priceless!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Yes, I Know....

Growing up I have always been petite and slender. I would always be teased about it and I was very self conscious about it. I knew that it would always be like that due to my Alagille syndrome. Even though I knew that its a hard thing to explain to people in the moment and even if I did it would never make sense so I just would shrug it off. As I have gotten older the questions haven't stopped. If I could get a quarter for every-time someone asked me the following things I would be a millionaire by now. Here is what I get asked/told on a ***DAILY*** basis and I wanted to just set the record straight on many of these questions/comments and I know that everybody in the world doesn't read my blog but it helps me get it off my chest. 

1q} Do I eat?    
1a} Yes I eat like a normal human being and sometimes more depending on my mood
2q} Do I try to be this thin?        
2a} No, I am thin like this for a reason trust me people!!
3q} Did you know you are really skinny      
3a} Yes, I do know that and I realize I am skinny
4q} Are you anorexic?       
4a} No, I am not nor have I ever been or ever will be anorexic
5q} Why are you so thin?     
5a} Because my body doesn't process nutrients like it should 
6c} You need to eat more junk food    
6a} Trust me I do eat junk food just ask my Hubby
7c} You need to gain weight.   
7a} I wish I could and trust me I try
8c} I wish I was a thin as you   
8a} Actually no you don't trust me it's not as fun as it looks
9q} Do you enjoy being that thin    
9a} It has its perks sometimes but I wouldn't mind ten more pounds
10q} Are you Bulimic?? 
10a} No I am not that either people..I promise.
You are probably thinking do I really get asked these questions to my face and the sad answer is YES and the majority of the people that ask me these questions are women. It boggles my mind that people feel that they can just ask these questions to me point blank without any hesitation. I was talking to a patient the other day at work and she is about my height and weighs about the same and we were talking about how its socially acceptable to tell someone how thin they are but it's sooo rude and socially unacceptable to tell someone how fat they may be. I have never nor will I go up to someone who is heavier and ask them straight to their face why they are so fat, you just don't do that but yet it's OK to ask someone why they are thin. Trust me sometimes people are just as self conscious about being thin as they are about being fat. Maybe everyone thinks that just because someone is skinny they want to be like that....well I don't but I don't have much choice in the matter. It doesn't bother me much now because I have dealt with it my whole life but it still never ceases to amaze me as to what comes out of people's mouths sometimes!  So next time you go to tell me how skinny I am you don't need to cause guess what... I ALREADY KNOW!!! THANKS :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Transiberian Orchestra..

This year Adam and I bought tickets to go see the Transiberian Orchestra. Adam is a HUGE fan of theirs and I had only heard about them a bit. They were amazing to see in person and put on a great show that was entertaining and spectacular. I know we both didn't want it to end!! Their talent is unbelievable and the way they make Christmas songs rock & roll sounding is genius!! We are going to make it a family tradition to see it every year....we had an amazing time!! Here are a few pics from the concert

Friday, November 19, 2010

Best. Day. Ever.

And now, a rare post from Adam:

Yesterday was awesome.  It would be hard to invent a better day.  Here's the breakdown:

1) In the back of my mind, I know that things continue to go amazingly well (and fast) with regards to a certain semi-secret something that will be officially announced soon.

2) Discovered a few days ago that my vehicle registration is expired (never got a reminder card), so I've been thinking about when I'd have time to get it care of.  Spur of the moment, I decided to leave work and go deal with it.  I walked in to the Big-O tire and asked for a safety inspection, emissions test, and on the spot registration renewal with sticker.  From past experience, I expected it to be $200+ (both tests plus the renewal plus late fees).  Apparently I chose the right day and they had some kind of deal going on.  I paid $46 for all of it together.

3) I finished one of the best books I have ever read.  Absolutely amazing ending.  For the curious: The Gathering Storm, aka A Memory of Light volume one, aka the 12th book (or first part of the 12th book) of The Wheel of Time.  The Wheel of Time is the kind of series you either love or hate, but I will say this: the books are long winded, and some are better than others - #s 1,3 and 6 are far superior to 2,4,5,7,8,9,10,11 (though some of those are certainly good).  The Gathering Storm was something else altogether though, and was easily my favorite.

4) 3/4 of the way into the current semester of school, I had yet to receive a single grade in my English class.  Our first two pieces (plus cover letter) were turned in as a large group portfolio a while back, and feedback has been long in coming (I have written three other pieces in the interim).  We final got the portfolio back.  We got an A for our group work (the portfolio organization, cover letter, cohesiveness of the different pieces, etc.), and I got on A on both papers.

5) As I was driving home, I returned a call from my dad.  He had amazing news - after nearly two years of unemployment, he had just received an offer for a new job.  It is a step below what he was hoping for, but it is FAR better than not working, and he feels there is ample opportunity for upward movement in the future.  He will be moving to Bentonville, Arkansas, where my mother will join him either at the end of this school year or the next (she is "paying off" her sabbatical this year and can at the end of the year either buy her retirement [for once she is of retirement age] or work another year and not have to buy it).

6) I got home and we quickly grabbed our things and left.  We were going to the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert and had to hurry.  We made it in plenty of time, but when we went to find our seats, they were taped off.  The usher informed us that in the show earlier that day, they had discovered that the fireworks (yes, fireworks) were too close to that section and so we had to be moved.  We went and got our new tickets.  Looking at the map, they seemed to be worse tickets, which was mildly upsetting.  They were still in the lower bowl though, and I looked at the silver lining that although we were not as close to the stage, we had a more front-on view (our original seats being kind of two the side).  The reality turned out much better.  Not only was it obvious once we were in there that the seats were still plenty close and that the front on view was a substantial advantage over the side-on view of our original seats, but later in the concert giant walkways were lowered (suspended from the ceiling) ... from our new seats, we were perhaps 20 feet from the performers when they came out on the extended stage - we would have seen their backs from our original seats.  The concert was just outright fantastic, the best concert I have ever been to.  The music was awesome, and the lighting and effects (lasers, fog, fire, fireworks, massive moving stage, giant video screens, etc. etc. etc.) were the more elaborate than I've ever seen in a concert before.  I'm certain Ashley will make a post on the concert with pics and video.

7) Toward the end of the concert, we started looking nervously at the clock.  We were to go straight from the concert to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1.  In order to drive there, get a parking spot, get treats and get seated before the movie started, we'd have to leave the concert no later than 11.  Sure enough, the concert ended at about 10:55.  We got to stay to the very end, we made it to the theater with even a bit of time to spare.  Our seats for the movie were good, and the movie was excellent.  Some apparently didn't like it - it seems some people are of the opinion that when a book is turned into a movie, every page should be translated directly.  Having some experience in the move industry, I know that is utterly ridiculous, and I treat books and movies largely separately - as long as the core, the heart of a story is preserved, I'm unconcerned with necessary changes.  I thought they did an excellent job with the movie, particularly considering the immense amount of material that had to be covered.  We went home and quickly fell asleep.  What an incredible day.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Good News..

Last Wednesday I went for my yearly routine visit with the Cardiologist Dr Whitehead up at the U of U. In a weird way I look forward to these visits just so I can keep an eye on my health and also to make sure everything is going well with the ol' heart of mine. This year all is well and nothing has really changed and he said to keep doing what I'm doing. It was so good to hear good news and that my heart is doing well. He wanted to get some baseline testing done so that in the future he can see if my heart is changing and worsening or staying the same. I had to do a stress test where I ride a bike similar looking to this one,
 while having a huge mouth piece and having my nose plugged. They have you ride at 60 RPM's for 30 seconds and then they start increasing the resistance every so often. Now with a normal heart and lungs this should be hard but not extremely hard to do but if you have a heart/lungs like mine its a challenge. But according to the tech helping me he said I did very well and they got the info they needed to have a good baseline. I felt a little light headed after the test and my legs felt like Jello. Other than that I did great! 

Dr Whitehead also wanted me to wear a Holter  monitor for 24 hrs to make sure my heart is beating well and 
I'm not having any heart palpitations {I get them here and there} and also to get a baseline reading. The machine looked like this although the battery pack was much smaller, but you get the idea. You have to leave it on for 24hrs and you can't shower and you can't unplug it so basically you have to be careful to not interrupt the testing. I have not received the results yet since I just turned it in Monday but I don't expect any bad results to come of it.

When the 24hrs was up It was so nice to take it off, It made me realize how lucky I am to not have to be strapped to machines all day and trust me there have been times when I have been so I know what it's like. So many things could go wrong and I am grateful that they haven't and for the most part I have been able to live my life how I want. Now are there things I wished I could change medically? Of course but I am blessed that I am living a happy as normal as possible life. Everyone has a different normal and right now mine is as normal as can be when you have a congenital heart defect. I just live everyday as happy as possible thanks in large part to my amazing doctors past, present and future! I will love them forever! 

Friday, November 5, 2010

{HaRd To BeLiEvE}

It's hard to believe that......



 eventually her

became this

It's hard to believe..but at the same time believable!! 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Expect the Unexpected...

Sometimes life surprises you with an unexpected thing! I am so excited and nervous for the changes that are coming in our life in the next month. I am not going to get into to much detail until all the dust settles...but lets just say we are so blessed to be where we are right now in our lives. We have worked so hard to get where we are now and we are ready for the next step. We have only known each other for 2 1/2 years and we have taken on the highs and lows together and we can't wait for the unknown as we know it will only bring us closer. I'm sure you are all wondering what I am talking about and trust me its hard not to share what it is as I want to shout it from the roof tops but I don't want to count my chickens before there hatched! Trust me you won't have to wait long as I can't wait to share the news with everyone!