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Sunday, September 18, 2011

[Car Seats] Are Not Just For Babies...

Last Monday I had to take Jett to the vet to get some shots and since Adam was at work I did not have him there to help me with keeping both dogs contained in the car. So I thought what could I use to contain Jett but still be safe. I have a baby car seat I received from a friend, so without giving it much thought I grabbed it and a blanket a few toys and crossed my fingers it would work. 

I strapped him in with him resisting the whole time once I put him in the car he settled down a bit. When he saw that Nala was not restrained he starting resisting so I had to pull over and re-due the seat belt and to put him back in. I only had to do it once more before he knew I meant business. 

It seemed like such a silly thing to be doing but if it meant keeping us three safe for the 30 min drive it would be worth it.
He dozed on and off on the ride to the vet once we were back in the car driving home he didn't resist once. He actually fell fast asleep and slept the entire ride home. I don't know if the shots made him sleepy or if he was just to tired to resist anymore but I didn't care. He was holding still and being good so I was happy. All the cars that passed me who could see in my window probably did a double take when they looked in to see a puppy in a baby car seat. Or thought I was a crazy lady LOL I know I would!
I know he is a boy in a pink car seat but you make due with what you have. LOL He sure makes this car seat look cute!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Moments

I take so many pictures on my phone that sometimes I forget there even there. I came across these adorable shots of our first moments with baby Jett. We had just met him and boy did our hearts melt! You can tell by the smile on Adam's face just how excited and happy he was. Jett was instantly ours, from the moment I saw him I knew he was a keeper. He has been an amazing addition to our family. 

Here are a few updates on Jett:

* He now weighs 12lbs at 3 months of age
* He hasn't had an accident in days and is using the dog door like a champ!
* He sleeps through the night and has not once peed on the bed.
* He knows his name and will perk his ears at the sound of it or come to you.
* He and Nala are best friends they wrestle all the time and always keep an eye out for one another.
* He is good about taking baths and loves to snuggle in his towel afterwards.
* He will be three months old tomorrow

We Love You Jett!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I have this app on my phone called [Snapbucket] I love it!!
It lets me add cool things to the pictures such as frames, vignettes, effects, filters. It spices up the picture and it is also a lot of fun mixing and matching different things together to make a cool photo. Well since discovering this app (free I might add) I have been taking pics galore with it. 

I have posted most all of them on Facebook, so if you follow me there you will have already seen these but if not enjoy!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the [Fence]

The [fence] project that was started months ago is now officially finished and I think and Adam and I both agree that we are never going to buy another house where we have to build a fence again!! It was a huge project one that we are glad to be done with. Building a fence in the middle of the summer is torture. I was just a cheerleader and the errand runner and the lunch maker buyer but still it was hard to watch Adam and the guy we hired Dan work in the hot weather. We now have a place we can let the dogs run around safely and not have to watch their every move. We will slowly be able to wean off the daycare we have been sending Nala and now Jett too during the day. We have bought a dog door that is an attachment to our sliding glass door. We have to get them trained on using it and then hopefully we will able to use the daycare money on other useful things! While it was a ginormous pain in the butt we are glad we have it and it's crossed off the to-do list. Next on the list is well you'll just have to stay tuned to find out. But don't get to excited it's going to be awhile! lol  
Enjoy the pictures of the fence and try not to look at the ugly lawn that's not really a lawn. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Week Together as 4...

I have been meaning to post this but with the new little one to watch it makes blogging a lot more difficult. But I found some time finally... this is going to be a hodge podge of my thoughts on our first week with Jett.

First off, Jett is such a funny little guy. He is always doing something that is making us laugh. He is a lot like Nala but at the same time so different. We have let him sleep in our bed from practically the very first night and he hasn't had one accident. He is a great sleeper although he moves around a ton and has to find the perfect spot. He won't settle for less. He can go from dead asleep to bouncing off the walls in less than oh 5 seconds. He is always watching us and Nala and is mimicking her more and more everyday which is good in some aspects. He loves to chew on anything he can sink his teeth into. He has learned to climb up and down the stairs which means he is not as containable as before. He loves to wrestle with his sister and she is usually ready to join in. Nala has gotten over most of her jealousy and even though she doesn't like us to know she has fallen for him just like we have. Jett hardly ever whines and has only started barking softly when wrestling with Nala. He will lay down on his stomach sometimes to eat and drink if he is tired. He is the sweetest thing and we are lucky to have him! Adam and I have taken pictures throughout our first week so without further ado here they are.

He loves to sleep in confined spaces..

He climbed from Adam's lap and decided to keep him 
company while Adam worked away.

  My two boys..

 He is the cutest thing ever...

 Little Brother

Big Sister