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Monday, October 13, 2008

My honey pie (by Adam)

1. How old is your wife? 23
2. How long have you been married? 4 months
3. Who eats more? I do, usually
4. Who said I love you first? She did, about half a second before I was going to :)
5. Who is taller? I am, but not by all that much
6. Who sings better? She does!!!
7. Who is smarter? Book smarts probably me, but she is *way* smarter in the things that really matter (like how to raise a family and run a home)
8. If she is sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? Judge Judy, Big Brother, or something of that nature
9. Who controls the T.V. remote? Usually she does
10. Who does the laundry? Mostly her, but sometimes I pitch in, and I usually put them away
11. Who does the dishes? Usually she does, and usually I put them away
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep stage-right, she sleeps on the right if you're facing the bed
13. Who cooks dinner? Almost always she does, followed by eating out, followed by the rare treat of my ridiculously ... um ... good cooking.  Right.
14. Who is more stubborn? I am most of the time, but she certainly has her stubborn streaks!
15. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Despite that answer, I usually am
16. Whose parents do you see more often? Hers ... mine are so far away
17. Who has more friends? She does
18. Who has more siblings? I do
19. You’re out to eat, what kind of dressing does she get on his salad? Ranch, if she gets a salad
20. What is one food he doesn’t like? Onions!
l22. What shoe size does he wear? 2???
23. If she were to collect anything, it would be? Beenie Babies
24. What is her favorite type of sandwich? Depends on the day/week/month.  This week its' grilled cheese :)
25. She could eat this everyday… Mac and Cheese
26. Favorite cereal? Changes.  A lot.  Anything sweet.
27. She wouldn’t be caught dead wearing…? A tanktop
28. Favorite sports team? The Colts
29. Who will he vote for? She'll vote, but she's displeased with both and doesn't think either will do us any good.
30. What is her sign? Gemini
31. What is something you do that she wishes you didn’t do? Complain about things (like going shopping)
32. How many states has she lived in? Just the one!
33. What is her heritage? European
34. You bake her a cake for her birthday, what kind is it? The color swirly kind
35. Did she play sports in high school? She was a manager (right word?) on the volleyball team
37. What is your favorite thing about her, both physically and emotionally?  Physically: Her face when she's smiling innocently at me.  Emotionally: How understanding and caring and loving she is.  She always knows what I need and always loves me no matter what.