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Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Amazing Husband....

1. How old is your husband? 23
2. How long have you been married? 4 months
3. Who eats more? Adam
4. Who said I love you first? I did and he said it right back :)
5. Who is taller? He is.
6. Who sings better? I Do
7. Who is smarter? He definitely is
8. If he is sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? When he does sit in front of the screen he usually watches whatever I am watching or his tivo shows lol
9. Who controls the T.V. remote? Usually... me. But its usually whoever gets to it first
10. Who does the laundry? Me. I wash and fold he puts everything away and it almost always ends up the right area!!
11. Who does the dishes? I do them about 95% of the time he cant stand to do the dishes it grosses him out
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Depends on how you look at it... If you are in bed, he does . If you are facing it I do.
13. Who cooks dinner? I do, but he helps out when I ask him to.
14. Who is more stubborn? I think he is... Especially if he thinks he is right about something ;)
15. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Well we are both pretty stubborn but I think he usually is the one to admit he is wrong the fastest!!
16. Whose parents do you see more often? Mine his are in NY
17. Who has more friends? He does
18. Who has more siblings? He does I am a only child
19. You’re out to eat, what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Vinaigrette
20. What is one food he doesn’t like? Pickles
21. Where did he go to high school? IB and Poudre High
l22. What shoe size does he wear? 10 or 10 1/2 depending on what fits better. He has wide feet
23. If he were to collect anything, it would be? Do I have to pick just one? ;) Mostly media stuff like computer stuff and oh yeah BOOKS and MOVIES he has tons
24. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Well it all depends what kinds of toppings we have in the fridge.
25. He could eat this everyday…? Ice Cream
26. Favorite cereal? Anything that doesnt have a lot of sugar
27. He wouldn’t be caught dead wearing…? I'm not sure I choose what he wears
28. Favorite sports team? He is not really a sports fan but he will watch it with me.
29. Who will he vote for? Probably McCain...
30. What is his sign? Cancer
31. What is something you do that he wishes you didn’t do? Hmm... Tickle him he hates it when i do that.
32. How many states has he lived in? 3
33. What is his heritage? Well his Mom is from England and Dad from Canada so yeah.
34. You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind is it? Something with Chocolate in it!
35. Did he play sports in high school? Nope he did robotics... not much into sports.
36. He could spend hours doing what? Being on his computer and downloading programs he is always trying to improve it anyway he can.
37. What is your favorite thing about him, both physically and emotionally? Physically would probably his deep brown eyes they just pull you into a place you never want to leave.. Emotionally I guess I would have to say just knowing he will be there for me threw thick and thin!! Also he is always telling me he loves me and that makes me smile!! :)


Ashcraft Family said...

Ashley-I'm learning so much. Thanks for sharing. It looks like you love your job. He is a cutie!It makes me sad we don't have you in our life like we used to and Tate gets all your attention. Lucky guy!Know you have a special place in our heart. Come visit anytime.