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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baby Taft is 4 months old today

Taft is 4 months old today and my oh my has he grown!! He is soo cute! His little personality is growing and developing day to day! He is getting much more active and loud LOL. His cry is now louder and stronger but at the same time his giggle and sqealing sounds are getting louder as well. He is also developing his likes and dislikes here are a few that I have observed over the last month.
1. He love to have alone time to be by himself and jibber jabber away to himself
2. He loves to watch tv and his favorites are Oprah and Dr. Phil only because he likes looking at peoples faces. He likes to talk to them and I'm sure there listening Taft!! LOL
3. He loves his swing. Once I swaddle him and put him in there he's out and will sleep for hours!
4. He loves to hold his hands together as though he is praying and tries to chew on them at the same time its so cute to watch 

1. He hates tummy time and if I can entertain him long enough he will tolarate it (sometimes) lol
2. He hates being hungery. You will know when he is hungery trust me he won't let you forget.
3. He only hates going on walks if he can't see anything, if he is able to look around he loves it other than that he always crys.
4. He dislikes any other bottle except for the ones he has had since birth, Melissa and I have spent a lot time in the bottle asile at Target trying to find other bottles to try that might be better for his tummy.  When we finally choose one and try to use it he will only drink out of it if he is starving and doesnt want to be picky.  What a silly boy he is

What a funny baby my Tafty is, he is such a joy to take care of. Everytime I see him smile it makes me smile cause he is so dog gone cute.  I cant wait to see him grow develop more but for now I love him just the way he is!!!