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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Losing Baby Taft..

So as hard as this post is to write, I have been with out seeing Taft now a week and It has been hard not seeing his cute little smile everyday. As most of you know I got laid off on the 3rd of January. I have spent a lot of my time devoted to Taft so its hard to go from being in his life everyday to not at all. I have been strong and had tried not to let it get me down, but when you spend so much of your time and energy towards one person and to suddenly they are ripped from your life its like losing a family member. I loved that little boy to death he was a part of me, I was only able to be in his life for a short time (4months) but during that time he became someone I cared for a lot. I know he may never remember me or all I did for him, but I will never forget him.... I had this dream once that I wanted to be a Nanny and he was my dream come true. I grateful for the time I did get to be in his life but for me it was cut way to short. A part of me is glad he will not remember me because I wouldn't want it to be traumatic or cause him sadness. So, I have to pick myself up and move on. I am in the process of looking for a new job. I am slowly closing that tiny but amazing chapter in my life and moving on towards a new day and a new job. I love and miss you little one!!!


Michelle Williams said...

Oh how sad. It is hard to lose a job and a little love bug boy too!