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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

From this.....
To this.....
In only 5 months!!!

Nala, you have changed our lives forever. You have taught us want unconditional love is all about. Thank you my baby!

We love you girl!!

Love, Mommy & Daddy :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Things that make me {CRINGE}

So I saw this idea on another blog and decided to make a list of my own and see what kinds of things make me C-R-I-N-G-E! If after reading my list you feel like making one for your own blog I encourage you to. They help relieve alot of anger LOL

So here goes nothin...

1. Laundry that multiplies
2.Being sick or my husband being sick
3. Red stop light runners
4. Bad smells
5. Fighting
6. Rated R movies
7. When my dog goes to the bathroom indoors
8. Getting lost
9. When my IPhone runs out of battery
9. Putting important papers in a special place that you can't find later
10. Taking anything in pill form
11. Forgetting things
12. Feeling like I AM blond
13. When someone coughs or sneezes on me
14. Dried Boogers on kid's noses
15. When parents let there kids where floods in public
16. Frostbitten ice cream
17. When people talk really S-l-o-w
18. Jagged fingernails
19. Wanting to drive fast but can't
20. Unpacking after vacation
21. When I say Dr. Zaman's office on the phone and then they ask if this is Dr. Zaman's office
22. People that are always in a bad mood
23. When people complain about filing out their paperwork
24. When people are rude on the phone
25. Cold sores
26. When women nurse and don't cover up
27. When I get a flat tire
28 Saying things over and over
29. When I run out of deodorant
30. Women with mustaches
31. Fading memories

I promise I'm not complaining :)

Why Is....

I was bored a couple of days ago and typed "Why Is" into the Yahoo's search bar and this is what I got some of them are hilarious!!

Why is the sky blue?
Why is the dollar weak?
Why is Friday the 13th considered unlucky?
Why is Sanjaya still on American Idol....LOL
Why is yawning contagious?
Why is my computer slow?
Why is Haiti so poor?
Why is education so important?
Why is water wet?

So there you have it. Some of those are easy to answer and some not so easy. That Sanjaya one cracks me up... WHO CARES WHY!! Besides that the fact that he was on American Idol a long time ago. Sorry for the ramdom post but right now our lives aren't very interesting so this what you get in the meantime. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Beautiful Piece of Furniture

So this lovely piece of furniture is now in my bedroom thanks to my amazing husband!! When we moved into our new apartment I had been complaining to Mr C. that I wasnt going to be able to have enough storage for all our stuff. So one night a couple of weekends ago he said him and my cousin Curtis were going to run an arrund and that I would be happy with the results. If you know me you know I hate surprises. I like to know whats going to happen to my life. LOL I am trying to get better at this but it's not going so well...anyway they returned from IKEA with a ton of boxes and I knew right then I that I was going to soon be one happy wife. They were to tired to put it together that night so the next morning they started early and would not let me in the room until it was done!! It was so hard to wait for them to be done I wanted to keep peeking but the boys wouldn't let me :(. By noon It was done and I was so happy that I now had a place to store things. YAY
Thanks honey your the best!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Holmes is back!

In case you've been hiding under a rock, or just don't care much about movies, there is a new Sherlock Holmes film out. We saw it Friday. It was awesome.

Holmes and Watson are two of the best known characters in literature. If everyone hasn't read the originals, at least they have heard of them and have some idea who they are. The characters appear in other works too, such as some of the best episodes of Star Trek TNG. Whenever you work with such famous characters, there are risks. People may not like your interpretation, or may not feel like the situation the characters are in is one that fits the original format. Some critics have played this card. While it's certainly true that the characters are not absolute perfect representations of the originals, and the situation is not one of the originals, I think these critics are grumpy old men who love to hate.

Although there were definitely some new - and fun - twists to the characters, they were the same people in essence. Their basic attributes were captured, and enhanced for the film medium. (Sidenote: ANY conversion from printed work to film is going to result in changes. If it doesn't, the film is terrible. Guarunteed. They are simply different mediums.) Some of this was thanks to good writing (providing opportunities for expression of character), some by good directing, but most of all the acting was superb. Robert Downey Jr. was made for the part, and Jude Law worked seamlessly with him. I cannot recall one moment, one line of dialog or expression, which took me out of the story.

The story honored the originals in much the same way. Not a duplication, but true to form and enhanced for film. The plot was engaging and detailed, if not completely unpredictable (if you know Holmes, anyway). It followed the formula of Holmes specifically and mysteries generally, and that is a good thing.

The cinematography and special effects of this film were also spectacular. They transport the viewer to the time and place without distracting.

There were definitely changes, primarily what I would call modernizations. The story is of course still set in 19th century London. Holmes' method of solving the mysteries is still logic / deduction based on small bits of evidence. But, among other things, the movie is certainly more physical than the originals (not that the originals are devoid of action).

I would absolutely recommend seeing this movie. The stunning visuals of 19th centure London make it worth seeing in theaters, although it's the story / characters / acting / directing that really make it worth seeing, so you won't miss out seeing it at home. Just see it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nala @ 5 months old

Nala is now 5 months old and is thriving and doing well.
here are a few things she is up to lately
- growing like a weed
- knows and follows commands well (puppy class paid off)
- gets into everything there is to get into
- chews and eats everything under the sun
some of the things she loves are
* feet
* shoes
* her toys (most of the time)
* toilet water LOL
* anything in the garbage
*Her bed
* any attention anyone will give her
*being outside
That about sums it up in Nala world. Stay tuned for next month's update on the little rascal!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

{Baby} Blues

There have been many times in my life (more like everyday) when I've wondered why me why do I not get the chance to have a baby. I know there are tons of women out there that are in the same boat as me but it doesn't seem to lessen the blow that comes with the actual facts. I am a person who adores children and loves being around them. So to have that amazing opportunity taken from me kills me! Every time I see someone pregnant or with a newborn, I am happy for them but in that same moment i envy them like nothing else in this world. I do not know what is in store for my life and sometimes I wish i knew. I want to be able to make Adam a father because although he thinks he is not good with babies I know that he will do just fine, with me by his side. I cannot wait for the day when that chosen child comes into our family now matter how that way is. I makes me so mad when parents and even women take for granted the ability to have there own flesh and blood. I know that I will love the child that becomes mine more that anything in this world. I was reading blogs tonight and I have fallen in love with is blog for some reason. I have put the link on here before but I will again just for kicks and giggles http://www.mycharmingkids.net.
She did a post called "I'm gonna miss this"
and here is it. I just love it and I wanted to share it with you.
"How do you do it? How do you stay so calm with four young children?"

Part of it is just how God made me, I think. I am pretty calm with my children. And, honestly, often I stay calm even in the midst of chaos because, frankly, it's better than the alternative. A shrieking, freaking out mama is not going to make an already stressful situation any better. So, for the most part, I stay calm and try to be in the moment with my children.

But how do I do it?

There is one little bit of inspiration that literally descended upon me almost two years ago, while I was holding Nuggey in the bathroom, that has completely revolutionized my parenting. When I keep this truth in mind, I find it as easy as apple pie to stay calm in the midst of toddler chaos.

I remember that I'm gonna miss this.

It was dark, during the end of bathtime, and Prince Charming was gone. I was doing dinner, baths and bedtime myself those days, as my husband worked late. It had been, undoubtedly, a long day with the kids. Big Mac was three, Nuggey was one and a half and Small Fry was a baby. It is as clear as day still, this memory.

I was sitting on the toilet, drying MckNugget off after his bath. Small Fry, unable to roll, was sprawled on the floor of the bathroom on some towels, wearing nothing but a diaper and a grimace. Big Mac was still in the tub. He was squawking to get out and Small Fry was bellyaching for attention. But I slowly wrapped Nuggey up in his towel, determined to stay calm, and cuddled him in terrycloth. I slowly rocked him back and forth in my arms and sang Rock-a-bye Baby to my second born.

As I wrapped up the song, I prepared to sit Nuggey up and attend to the chaos that was the other children. After all, there were baths to finish, teeth to brush, diapers to put on, jammies to find and beds to tuck children into. But as he sensed me about to right him, Nuggey tossed his wet head back in my arms and looked up at me. "Uh-gain!"

So I sang Rock-a-bye Baby one more time, but I told him it would be the last. Yet when I finished, he begged again for more.

I didn't want to do more. I didn't want to sing to him one more time. I was tired. Tired of children, tired of singing, tired of the day. I just wanted it to be over. But then suddenly, as if fairy dust was sprinkled from the heavens right onto my tired head, the entire reality of my future set in.

I'm gonna miss this.

I looked down at little Nuggey, his damp eyelashes long and dark batting at me, his tiny bottom cradled in my hand, his soft, chubby legs thrown over my arm, his body entirely dependent on mine as I held him in my lap, and I could see the future. Nuggey, a grown boy, sporting a football jersey and facial hair, walked out of the bathroom. It was going to happen, and soon. And while I knew there would be joys with that time in my life, when our young children are teenagers and beyond, it struck me like a ton of bricks.

When that time comes, I'm gonna miss this.

When Nuggey comes home from college, barely speaks a word to me and hibernates in his bedroom all summer, I'm gonna miss this. As my mind fast forwarded to the future, I knew that at that moment, I would give anything for 20 year old Nuggey to be a toddler again, just for one more hour, so I could rock him and sing while I stroked his wet head.

And here, years earlier, I was being given my wish. I was able to rock Nuggey, a nearly helpless babe in arms, one more time.

Given a new perspective from which to see, I sang Rock-a-bye Baby as many times as Nuggey would let me that night. Eventually Small Fry found her hands and started admiring them, and Big Mac grabbed a new tub toy. And I relished that time with my son in my arms, knowing that soon enough he would be all grown, and my arms would ache to hold him like a baby again.

I'm gonna miss this.

My mind cannot help but wander to those parents who have lost children. What on earth would they not give to hold their children again, even for a moment. I bet they would not complain about having to sing Rock-a-bye Baby one more time. Rather, they would probably give their right arm to sing it ten million times until their voice was hoarse and their eyelids closed in slumber.

And women with empty wombs who long and pray and ache for children? What honor am I doing them if I take for granted the fact that I have children, young children who are begging me to cuddle them, sing to them. I will love those women who long for a baby by loving my babies and not taking them for granted.

So, I determined right there and then in the bathroom to try to be ever thankful for the moments I do have with my children. I will not wish away their young years, always hoping to get more laundry done or other children dried off. I will relish each kiss, hug and song. I will leave their childhood behind with no regrets, no "I love you" unsaid, no cheek unkissed, no request to "Cuddle wif' me!" turned down. Even as the macaroni flies and the Sharpie stains my table, even when there are midnight wailers and globs of Desitin under my fingernails, I know...

...I know I'm gonna miss this.

I hope that one day when I have young children that I will never ever take one single minute for granted. I want to make a promise to myself right now that when Adam and I get a little one of our own that I will cherish every cry, every burp, every giggle, and every tear! I hope that all the parents out there will do the same.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gabby {the fish}

Introducing {Gabby} our new baby goldfish! We got her about a week and a half ago and so far she is thriving and doing well. I was worried that Luna would hate a new fish in her territory so we bought a cute little tiki hut to have as her very own. I have seen her in it a few times. We are happy to have her in our family for as long as possible.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Making [Snow Pops]

So a couple of weeks ago I was reading blogs and I came across a really cute idea {at the time} on this blog http://www.mycharmingkids.net/. I decided that I was going to attempt to make them as they sound really easy {not really}. Brooke and I went to the store to obtain all the ingredients and a couple of days later I made the attempt to make them here's how it went.
First I baked a cake that looked like this
Then I cut the cake into ity bitty pieces so it looked like this in the bowl:

Then I made a batch of cream cheese frosting.. and if you are attempting to make these then the recipe is on the blog address above :)
I mixed it with the cake mix pieces in order to roll it into balls. After doing that I put them in the freezer to chill. While they were chilling I melted pieces of white chocolate and poured them into 3 mugs and made them each a different color:

After waiting a while {20 min} I got the skewers and then attached a ball to the end of it and dipped it in chocolate and then we put sprinkles on and then let them harden. This is what the final project looked like:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Apartment SwEeT Apartment

We have now moved into our new apartment and I finally have a few minutes to blog about the whole thing. I decided I hate moving in the winter and I think most people would agree with that statement!! Overall the move went very smoothly for the most part. We have a ton of stuff that we had to get into a 2 bed room 2 bath apartment. We are living with my cousins as i mentioned in a previous post. So technically we have 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom and we share everything else. It is hopefully going to save us money doing it this way. I love it here so far and I can't wait til the summer and we can go swimming. As much as I love having lots of space, it is so cozy and nice here. I have a 8 min commute to work and I am able to come home for lunch and take Nala out for a potty break and to visit Brooke. So far I couldn't' be happier. We have made dinner every night for the boys and us this week. It has been such a blast having Brooke here and being able to do girly things. I know Adam loves spending time with Curtis as well so its a win win situation for both parties.!!! I took some pics of the place before we moved in, so ill post those for now and once I get the apartment in shape ill take some of it then as well.