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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Things that make me {CRINGE}

So I saw this idea on another blog and decided to make a list of my own and see what kinds of things make me C-R-I-N-G-E! If after reading my list you feel like making one for your own blog I encourage you to. They help relieve alot of anger LOL

So here goes nothin...

1. Laundry that multiplies
2.Being sick or my husband being sick
3. Red stop light runners
4. Bad smells
5. Fighting
6. Rated R movies
7. When my dog goes to the bathroom indoors
8. Getting lost
9. When my IPhone runs out of battery
9. Putting important papers in a special place that you can't find later
10. Taking anything in pill form
11. Forgetting things
12. Feeling like I AM blond
13. When someone coughs or sneezes on me
14. Dried Boogers on kid's noses
15. When parents let there kids where floods in public
16. Frostbitten ice cream
17. When people talk really S-l-o-w
18. Jagged fingernails
19. Wanting to drive fast but can't
20. Unpacking after vacation
21. When I say Dr. Zaman's office on the phone and then they ask if this is Dr. Zaman's office
22. People that are always in a bad mood
23. When people complain about filing out their paperwork
24. When people are rude on the phone
25. Cold sores
26. When women nurse and don't cover up
27. When I get a flat tire
28 Saying things over and over
29. When I run out of deodorant
30. Women with mustaches
31. Fading memories

I promise I'm not complaining :)