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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Peeps- Tutorial

So I have finally had the time to do some crafts...YAY!! I was looking at blogs today and I came across this one http://www.vanessachristenson.com/ she is amazing!! I found this cute idea on her blog and gave it a try. It took me about 3-4 hours from start to finish and its super easy!! Here's how I did it...

I printed out the patten she has on here blog for the body of the peep it should look like this
2. I then when to the nearest craft store ( JoAnn's) and picked out the felt it took 8 sheets of any color of felt you want that resembles Peeps. I chose yellow. I also picked up some ribbon for hanging it, mini glue gun since I don't have a sewing machine ( which that's how she did hers was sewing it). I also got some black fabric paint for the eyes and nose.

3. I traced the pattern on to all of the felt. I could only get three on a sheet.

4. I cut them all out ( very simple)..they looked like this when I was finished.
5. I then got an pencil and dipped the eraser into the black paint to make the face. I did this to half of them.... they looked like this when done.

6. Then I used crumpled up printing paper to stuff them at first but that was taking to long so I used some stuffing/batting that I had on hand, you can use whatever you have.
(one detail I glued the bottom and sides before stuffing but not the top)

7. I then started gluing them to the ribbon. It was pretty easy and just left about an inch and a half in between them and then I sealed them up with a little glue and then TA DA all done!!
8. With the help of my cute hubby I hung it on the entertainment center. It turned out so cute and since it only took me a short time I may make a pink one...

9. Enjoy the cuteness of Peeps LOL