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Monday, May 31, 2010

[05/31/2008]+[2 Years]=[Amazing]

I can't believe that I am writing this post already....I can't believe this day has come...I can't believe I have fallen more in love with the person I call my husband..I can't believe how far we have come since that day...I can't believe all that we have accomplished since that day...I can't believe all the things I have learned not only about myself but about us...I can't believe how many amazing experiences we have shared together...I can't believe all the laughs we've shared..I can't believe all the tears we have shed together...I can't believe all the fears I have conquered...I can't believe all the challenges we've faced...I can't believe the amount of pure happiness I have felt since that day...I can't believe all the dreams that have come true...I can't believe all the joy that has come into our lives...I can't believe all the times I have doubted myself and he has reassured me. I can't believe how many arguments we have had only to become stronger..I can't believe all the failures we have overcome...I can't believe all the excitement we have felt...I can't believe all places we have been...I can't believe all the crazy things we have done...I can't believe all the mess we have had to clean up...I can't believe all the laundry we have had to do... I can't believe how many smiles we have seen on each others faces...I can't believe how many text messages we have sent each other... I can't believe all the phone conversations we have shared... I can't believe all the hard decisions we have had to make...I can't believe all the dishes we have had to do...I can't believe how many date nights we have been on...I can't believe how how many firsts we have had...I can't believe the number of kisses and hugs we have given each other... I can't believe we got a puppy and named her Nala...I can't believe all the unknown we have had to wonder about... I can't believe all the news good or bad we have had to tell each other... I can't believe all the presents we have given each other...I can't believe all times we have moved our little family... I can't believe all the I love yous we have told each other...I can't believe all the unconditional love we have for one another...I can't believe how many memories we have to look back on...I can't believe how many times we fought over stupid things...I can't believe all times we have said I'm sorry to each other...I can't believe all the movies we have witnessed together...I can't believe all the food we have eaten...I can't believe it's been 2 years since I married my prince...I can't believe how memories of that day are slowly slipping away...I can't believe how grateful I am for all the photo's I have to remind me of that day in our history...I can't believe we have spent the past 2 years attached at the hip...I can't imagine my life without you in it...I can't imagine were we are going next...but for right I am just happy to be in your wife, your lover, your best friend, your soul mate, your eternal companion, your honey pie, your baby girl, your heaven, your world, your everything cause right now that's my heaven...I love you baby thanks for an amazing 2 years can't wait for more!!

Love Me

...here are some pictures from our journey we call life...

Valentines Day 2009
Our first gingerbread house
Our first Christmas
Our first vacation with my family
Our first vacation with Adam's family (Hawaii)
Our first anniversary in Logan (Anniversary Inn)
Our first family pictures
Our first addition to the family


Courtnee said...

Happy (late) Anniversary!!!

Ashcraft Family said...

2 Years? I can't believe it either. Believe all that has happened because so much more is to come! What a ride life is and especially in marriage. All I can say is never take anything for granite! Nothing.
Love your blog and pictures. Nice to catch up!