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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

{Life As We Know It}

I wanted to document how crazy our life is right now.
I know that sometime in the future it will calm down and I want to look back at all the things we were able to juggle {at least trying to anyway}. LOL

Let's start with Mr. C first he is:
1. Husband
2. Father to Nala {which involves alot}
3. Full time worker {Spillman Technologies}
4. Part time student {SLCC--Physics & English}
5. Full time Program Creator
6. Banker {he pays the bills}
7. Electrician {keeps all electronics running smoothly}
8. Helps with chores and errands...etc
Not only that but he has tons of homework that takes hours to do and it's only the second week in class. Ugh

Here is what I have to do:
1. Wife
2. Mother to Nala {is alot}
3. Working Full time {Medical Assisting}
4. Working Part time {Photographer at JCPenny's}
5. Photography side jobs
6. Family Functions
7. Social Event Planner {schedules hangout w/ friend time}
8. Laundry, Dishes, Cooks {as often as possible}, Cleaning, Shopping.....

I'm sure I have missed many things that fill up our day but I know one day I want to look back and see what kinds of things fill up our days so much so that when our head hits the pillow were out! I am glad we have a busy life that reaps many rewards for us. It's not always going to be like this and part of me is glad but this is life as we know it right now!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Adam's Wordy Wednesday

Ashley sometimes does a Wordless Wednesday - a picture with few or no words to describe it.

Here is my Wednesday think - not that you should count on it being a pattern ... it may or may not ever happen again.

Three "words of the day" for you.  These are words that in the past month or so have just entered my consciousness and would NOT go away, like a song stuck in your head.  In all cases, I pretty much knew the meaning, but a refresher proved .... refreshing.

Without further ado:

Gestalt - in my words: "a sum greater than its parts; a meta effect/pattern," according to Wiktionary: "A collection of physical, biological, psychological or symbolic entities that creates a unified concept, configuration or pattern which is greater than the sum of its parts (of a character, personality, or being)"

Raison d'ĂȘtre - in my words: "reason for being; purpose in life," according to Wiktionary: "The claimed reason for the existence of something or someone; the purpose of something or someone."

Egregious - in my words: "obviously erroneous; highly visible failure," according to Wiktionary: "Exceptional, conspicuous, outstanding, most usually in a negative fashion," or simply "Outrageously bad."

Hope you enjoyed.   Now go use them in daily conversation :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Spider {WEB}

A couple of nights ago I spotted this spider web by the stairs leading up to our apartment and so I told Adam about it. The next time he went out to he said that he had destroyed the web and that it was gone......right well not even 24 hrs later this is what we found! I guess the spider got away!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Adam's TV Obsessions

Every now and then, there is a TV episode so good, it seems impossible that it is really TV. Often, but not always, these are pilots or season finales - but whenever they occur in the season, they do something special. They have real, imaginative plot. Incredible production value. Above-average humor. Superb acting.

Just last night, I watched one such episode (Chuck, see below). So I decided I'd share what are to me, three of the best TV episodes of all time, and a little bit of why. The episodes are in order of greatness, top to bottom.

1. Chuck, Season 2 Episode 22 (finale) - "Chuck Vs. The Ring". Fantastic story line, excellent lead up from the entire 2 seasons, great acting, and one of the funniest lines ever delivered in TV (I won't spoil it, but for those that've seen, it's the last line in the episode, making an allusion to The Matrix). 9.7 on tv.com, for what it's worth.

2. House, Season 1 Episode 21 - "Three Stories". Like most of House, this is episodic, so not a lot of lead-in from other episodes. But the story telling is phenomenal, and we get a unique and rare look into House's past & psyche. This episode doesn't follow the normal formula in the slightest, which is refreshing. The acting, as always in House, is some of the best on TV. And of course there are some truly hilarious moments. 9.5 on tv.com, for what it's worth.

3. Psych, Season 4 Episode 16 (finale) - "Mr. Yin Presents …". A brilliant tribute to Hitchcock, in a very unserious way (it is Psych after all). Hilarious as always, but for once some *truly* good acting (it is normally just good enough to pull off the fairly slapstick humor). Non-formulaic, even intense/suspenseful at points, which is quite a feat to integrate with the humor. 6.9 on tv.com, for what it's worth (apparently people don't agree with me on this one).

Honorable mention: Lost, Season 1 Episode 1. One of the best pilots ever, promising, spine tingling. Ruined, of course, by the rest of the show.

Honorable mention 2: Heroes, Season 1 Episode 20 – “Five Years Gone”. Great, clever story. Excellent plot twists. Great acting. Set wonderful direction for the show. And then future seasons ruined it.

But I left one thing out .. and I have a good reason. It is not a single episode, so it didn't occur to me when thinking of this list. Best TV ever ... Firefly. All of it. :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our Nala Turns {1}

I can't believe my baby turned 1! She is and will always be my baby Nala, maybe not in a physical sense but I'm sure you all know how I feel whether you have human baby or animal baby. There are so many times during her first year of life that I wished I could have caught on film as to never forget them. As the days, months and now a year has passed I can't imagine my life without her and I know that Adam would agree. The love we have for her is more than I EVER thought possible!! I am so grateful that she is in my life, she brings me joy and happiness when nothing else can she knows me and is always by my side when I need her most and even when I don't she is there! When I watch the slide show and see what she was like at her smallest it's hard to believe she was ever that small. I am so glad I have pictures to remind me of those times. I think most of all I am thankful for what having her has taught me! I love you Nala you are the BEST! I came across a quote that totally sums up how I feel.

Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them,

Filling an emptiness we don't even know we have.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Job Sent From Above....

I wanted to do a little post on the new job I just got! I have been looking for one to replace the old one and I have found my heavenly job. I know that may sound a bit weird but I know that I was meant to get this job and here is the reason why: I got a call from the office manager at Utah Pain Specialists on Thursday (7/29) that I missed saying she wanted to interview me but since I had 3 job interviews already hanging in the balance I decided I wasn't going to call her back. The next day (07/30) she called again and I didn't recognize the number so I answered it and was the same lady and she wanted to interview me right away so I went in and she really liked me and was impressed with my resume. She told me she would call me on Monday (08/02) and let me know what her decision was. I realized that there office is closed Mondays so I didn't expect a call until Tuesday which the call came and I received the amazing job!! I was so excited, this is an amazing opportunity that will be great for our little family. As for what job I got I will be a Medical Assistant for Utah Pain Specialists it is even closer to home! It is full time, I will work 4/ 10 hour shifts from Tues-Fri. Since I will be making more money (YIPPEE) we decided to put Nala in daycare so that she doesn't have to be home alone all day. I couldn't be happier and I know that many doors will open because of this new job! I have already worked Wed,Thurs,Fri of this week and I have loved it so far! The people and doctors there are amazing and so friendly and knowledgeable. I can't believe I wasn't going to call back and I am so glad I answered the phone! There are many perks like we get lunch everyday and in 9months (May) I qualify for insurance so I can get that if I want. We also work on a rotating schedule so every week I am at a different station and doing a different thing which keeps it new and fresh. Next week I am doing triage Wahoo should be fun!