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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

{Life As We Know It}

I wanted to document how crazy our life is right now.
I know that sometime in the future it will calm down and I want to look back at all the things we were able to juggle {at least trying to anyway}. LOL

Let's start with Mr. C first he is:
1. Husband
2. Father to Nala {which involves alot}
3. Full time worker {Spillman Technologies}
4. Part time student {SLCC--Physics & English}
5. Full time Program Creator
6. Banker {he pays the bills}
7. Electrician {keeps all electronics running smoothly}
8. Helps with chores and errands...etc
Not only that but he has tons of homework that takes hours to do and it's only the second week in class. Ugh

Here is what I have to do:
1. Wife
2. Mother to Nala {is alot}
3. Working Full time {Medical Assisting}
4. Working Part time {Photographer at JCPenny's}
5. Photography side jobs
6. Family Functions
7. Social Event Planner {schedules hangout w/ friend time}
8. Laundry, Dishes, Cooks {as often as possible}, Cleaning, Shopping.....

I'm sure I have missed many things that fill up our day but I know one day I want to look back and see what kinds of things fill up our days so much so that when our head hits the pillow were out! I am glad we have a busy life that reaps many rewards for us. It's not always going to be like this and part of me is glad but this is life as we know it right now!