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Friday, October 15, 2010

Nala goes to the ER

On Thursday I brought Nala home from daycare and we were doing our normal things when I noticed that Nala didn't look right I hadn't really looked at her closely since we had arrived home but once I did I knew something wasn't right because this is what she looked like.{see pics below}

 Her eyes, muzzle and jaw were swollen and her pupils we not the same size and she had hives and she just looked horrible. I felt so bad for the poor girl!! Adam was not home from school yet and I didn't know what to do so I got online and looked at what it could be. I called Adam's Dad and he said I needed to see if she had a fever or not but I had no thermometer I could use. By this time Adam was home and he said she was just allergic to something and that we should give her an allergy pill so we did it wasn't working fast enough for me so I told Adam I wanted to take her the Vet but since it was past 6 they were closed and so we had to take her to the ER since they are open 24hrs a day. We found a pet ER close to us called Cottonwood Animal Hospital they are great and not that expensive I would recommend them to anyone with a pet emergency. We filled out the paperwork and they called us back within a minute or so and took Nala's vitals she was fine in all other aspects except for the allergic reaction. We waited what seemed like forever for the Dr. to come in. She finally did and looked Nala over she said she was definitely having a allergic reaction to something probably a bee sting or bug bite but we won't know for sure. They gave Nala a shot of a really strong anti-histamine and had us wait another 20 minutes to see if it was helping and after a short time the swelling was starting to go down and she was looking as good as new again!! I am so glad we were able to take her somewhere that could help her she sure was miserable!!  She is doing just fine now we have to give her 2 allergy pills everyday but other than that she is the same cute puppy!