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Monday, January 17, 2011


Yesterday I went to church for the first time in months...and all by myself!! It took two tries but I finally made it to the right ward and although it was weird to sit all alone in a family ward, I did it and as I sat there all I could think about was how surprised I was that I actually had gotten up, gotten ready without any pushes or shoves. I was so proud of myself!! I did it...I did it... this may seem like something so silly to most but going to church has not been apart of our life for quite some time. Now that Adam will no longer be apart of that piece of me I have to face it alone and when you haven't been going for months and then have to go alone it's not easy! I only went to sacrament meeting but for now that's all I could do. I will work up to it and I hope it will become easier as time goes on. I know it will not be easy because as of now I don't know a soul there. For now I am merely a number, a face, a wayward soul, a girl trying to do what I know is right when it's really easy to not try. 


Michelle Williams said...

GOOD FOR YOU! Talk to the Bishop and the RS president sometime, tell them your plans and hopes. They will love you! They will love you because of your wonderful personality and because they will see and appreciate your courage! Then you will feel you have friends cheering you on right there in that big, crowded with strangers, Chapel. Love you!

Vicki said...

Good for you, Ashley! I love you!