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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Would You?...

travel around the country

in one of these

with you and your spouse

and your 5 children under the age of 5.

Would you..

 pack up your house and leave it all

 behind to see new things and

experience new surroundings almost everyday.

Would you...

quit your job and live day to day to give 

not only yourselves but your children a once 

in a lifetime opportunity to see things 

most people don't get to see in their lifetime.

Would you...

leave the security of your home 

for one that could break down at 

any given moment in time.

This amazing family is doing 

just that and they may be going 

mad but that is the great thing

about it.

I think it's crazy and at the same time brilliant!!

I would love to be able to

see the country like never before.

I would love to give my children a once in a 

lifetime experience they will never forget.

The memories and photographs that would come 

from such a chance would be countless.

The bond that would be built from being so close

 to one another would be priceless.


and I can't believe that I am saying that

because it goes against every fiber in my body 


I think that's why I would do it.


P.S. I would not do it forever and neither is that amazing family but I bet I could handle a few months which is what they are doing. Click on the link/word {family} from above to see their story.

P.S.S. If you have a blog yourself you just might want to include their blog into your daily read so you can follow along for the crazy journey they are about to embark on!! 


michelle williams said...

We sort of did it for a month with our kids the year Terry retired. We didn't have such a nice vehicle but we stayed with GREAT relatives like Dallas and Vicki and many others of the Collet clan. We went to Mich, Colorado, Utah, Alberta and back to Seattle, all by car and then met my folks in Hawaii. Saw lots of gorgeous country and loved seeing family!