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Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 30 Days of {Thanks}

Day ... 3

Today I am thankful for my health.

Over the course of my 26 years I've dealt with serious to minor health problems most I will have forever but I have on more than occasion amazed doctors.

I have surpassed odds, overcome stumbling blocks and lived life to the best of my physical ability.

Since about high school, I have only really had to deal with minor health problems being able to do as I please for the most part.

Don't get my wrong there have been alot times when I ask myself why me, why did I get dealt this hand. Am I supposed to learn something from is... I know and maybe I haven't learned that part yet or maybe I have and I am learning it everyday without knowing it. All I know is I was dealt this hand and I am going to do my best with it. 

I have been able to enjoy many experiences because I have been so healthy. I have been able to meet milestones that I thought I would never achieve. I have endured, I have conquered and I have been amazed at my body for all that it has overcome and withstood.
