Jett Juma
is 9 months old now and is cuter than ever.
I didn't know how my heart would expand to love another puppy in our family but.. it does without any hesitation.
Jett is crazy and sweet
Jett is strong and fast
Jett is quiet but present
Jett is gentle and rough
Jett is protective
Jett is playful
Jett is loyal
Jett is a best friend
Jett is one of the best dogs, yes he does destroy things and has caused us to shake our heads in bewilderment.
Jett loves sticks so much so that if he could live in a forest he would be right at home. He loves the outdoors so much so that he likes to make the front room a mini forest while we are away. I am pretty we have a stick in every room of the house that he has drug in at one point or another.
Jett is very protective to the point where he won't leave the room unless I am with him no matter if Nala or Adam has or not. He will wait ever so patiently until I am ready. He loves to lay on the bathroom floor and will follow us in and just lay there in case we need him.
Jett loves his big sister more than she can handle sometimes. He wants to be just like her. Even if we give them the same treat he has to have hers. We are trying to teach him to share.
We can't imagine our lives without this little boy.

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