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Monday, March 26, 2012

{Weekend Fun}

This past weekend we had a lot of fun! First we went to Crystal Hot Springs with Sara and Clark on Saturday. I had purchased a KSL deal back at the beginning of February to get up to 6 people in for $12. So we choose a weekend and hoped for good weather. It's about a 2 hour drive. Crystal Hot Springs is nestled in the Wasatch Mountains in the city of Honeyville and is one of only two locations in the WORLD that has a natural hot and cold springs less than 50 feet apart. Also they have the highest mineral content of any hot springs in the USA possibly even world. You can find more info here.

It was so relaxing and fun! We were only there for a few hours since you can only take so much swimming before your tuckered out. It was pretty crowded but not to the point were it wasn't fun and you couldn't move around. I would go again in heart beat!
The pool you see in the picture above is where we hung out the most and is about 90ish degrees.

It was so nice to get into a pool and not want to jump right back out because it is so cold. It was so refreshing.
Sara, Clark and Adam went down the water slide they have there. You can kind of see it in the background of the picture above.
We all agreed it was time well spent! We met up with James and Laryssa, cousins of Adam and Sara at Cafe Rio for dinner. That was the cap to a great day

On Sunday we wanted to take the dogs to the dog park for some much needed outdoor time and exercise. I feel bad that they are sometimes all cooped up in house or backyard all day and don't really get to see other places and experience new things. Jett I think has been way to sheltered. Are lives are so busy we sometimes don't have huge chunks of time to take them new places. The dog park up in SLC that we love is so far from home. We decided to take them to Daybreak and walk the trails. Although it was enjoyable it was pretty windy. Jett I think had a sensory overload and went bananas! He was whining and would bark at anyone and every dog he came in contact with. He was on high alert and if he was not either ahead of Nala or side by side with her he threw a fit! He was not sure of where he was and what was going on so I think he went in to panic mode. He got a little better toward the end. Nala on the other hand did great. She didn't whine or freak out, she didn't really pull when on leash and she loved the birds. It was more enjoyable for her than for Jett. Adam and I were exhusted by the time we went back to the car. We spent most of our not so relaxing walk trying to calm Jett down that we sort of lost the relaxing factor but it was good for him to get out in new surroundings. We want to be able to take him places without the fear of him running away from us. He will get there it will take time and effort! We got some cute pictures from our adventure so that's a plus. :)