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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Surprises.....are awesome!!

Adam had is 24th bday on the 14th of July and since I had already given him his present (a new computer screen) I wanted to do something for him on the actual day so I thought and thought and finally came up with this cute idea!! I took a pack of sticky notes only 50 of them but still I wrote 50 reasons why I love Adam and posted them all over the inside of his truck. When he went out to his truck to go to work this is what he found!!

He really loved the surprise and they are still posted in his car on the passenger side LOL

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Craft Project 5 and 6

Here are the lastest pics of the blox I have completed!!

This one I made for Adam and I

This one I made for some friends the Mabeys

If you like what you see and want a set of your own customized blox let me know and I can have them done in a week or less!! :) Limited time price of $8 per letter/block.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Home [SWEET] Home

I wanted to let everyone that Adam and I have found a place to live!! YAY We are moving to the East side, Holladay to be exact!! We are renting the top level of a home. Its 1500 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. It has all new kitchen appliances, marble floors and grantie countertops. Washer and Dryer and an amazing front yard with two huge shade trees. We are going to start slowly moving things over to the new house starting the last week in July. We are estastic and can't wait to start fresh and meet new people and hopefully some new friends!! I am [NOT] going to tell you the address or post pics just because I want to keep Adam and I as safe as possible and you never know who will read this. No offense to those who we know and love that read this we welcome you!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

The 4th of July

Adam and I had a very relaxing 4th of July weekend!! We both had Friday the 3rd of July off since the 4th was on a Saturday. We had been having a mice problem in our shed that's attached to the apartment, so we decided this would be a good opportunity to get that cleaned up. What a way to start the holiday weekend right!! LOL On the 4th we slept in til 1P.M. then went and visited my family for awhile. Around 7 or so we went up to Centervillle to see Adam's family but by the time we got there most everyone was leaving so we didn't get to see there fireworks. After about 2 hours we said our goodbyes and left to go home. We saw some good fireworks on the drive home!!! All in all our 4th was very uneventful which was a welcome change from previous weeks. Unfortunately I did not get a single pic from the days activities. Sorry guys :(
We hope everyone had a great holiday!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Luna's 1st B-day

Today is Luna's 1st bday!! Although we have enjoyed having Luna in our home she has outgrown her 5 gallon tank and so we had to spend oodles of money getting her a new 29 gallon tank. In retrospect if we would have paid attention to the stats on goldfish and how they grow to be 12inches long and are the messiest fish around I probably would not have purchased her in the beginning but since that day is long gone we have no choice. She went from being maybe a couple of inches long and half a inch wide to 51/2 inches long and inch wide. The tank gets dirty after about 2 weeks even with all the bells and whistles! Since Luna is such a messy fish we should just call her piggy instead!! Don't get me wrong she is fun to look at and all but it has taken hundreds of dollars and hours of time to keep her alive. I don't know about you but I think that's a little much for a goldfish, but what are we to do? Oh and by the way they can live 10 years!! OH MY
(the first two pics are her now and the bottom ones are when we first got her)

Crafts galore!!

Here is the 4th creation that I did last night. It happens to be for a wedding gift of one of my second cousins who's wedding colors are brown and yellow. I think they turned out adorable and can be a cute accent to there new place. Like I said before I can't stop making these and I hope to never stop I love creating new works of heart!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Another [cReAtIoN]

So here is another creation I made for my step-mother Chrissy! I think it turned out so cute and somehow I can't stop making them so I'm sure you wil be seeing more creations in the future.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cute as a button...

I wanted to post the picture of the blox I completed last week for a co-worker. They turned out adorable!! These blox's are so fun to create and customize. I love doing them :)

When life gives you {LEMONS} make {LEMONADE}.....

So as many of you may know if Adam and I were ever to add a baby into our family it would be through the miracle of adoption. When I was told of this information from the doctor, I was of course devastated and saddened!! I still get upset about it from time to time but for the most part I have come to terms with not having a biological child. When I came across this poem below it summed up my feelings and how they have changed over the last few years. I am grateful for adoption and for the chance it will give Adam and I to have that miracle in our lives. When that day comes and we have a little one in our lives it be amazing!! Wish us luck on our journey!!
When you're going to have a baby. It's like you're planning a vacation to Italy. You're all excited. You get a whole bunch of guidebooks and you learn a few phrases in Italian so you can get around. When it comes time, you pack your bags and head for the airport--- for Italy.Only when you land, the flight attendant says, "Welcome to Holland."You look at one another in disbelief and shock and say. "Holland? What are you talking about? I signed up for Italy!"But they explain there's been a change of plans and you've landed in Holland, where you must stay. "But I don't know anything about Holland! I don't want to stay!"But you do stay. You go out and buy some new guidebooks. You learn some new phrases and you meet people you never knew existed. the important thing is that you are not in a filthy, plague infested slum, full of pestilence and famine. You are simply in a different place than you had planned. It's slower-paced than Italy, and less flashy than Italy, but after a while, after you have the chance to catch your breath, you begin to discover that Holland has windmills. Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandt's.But everyone else you knew is busy coming and going from Italy. They are all bragging about what a great time they had there, and for the rest of your life you will say. "Yes, that's where I was going. That's what I had planned."The pain of that will never, ever go away.you have to accept that pain because the loss of that dream, the loss of that plan, is a very, very significant loss. But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy you will never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We're [MOVING]!!!!

That's right, Adam and I are [MOVING] out of Serengeti Springs at the end of the month. Our lease is up on the 31st of July so we decided to move closer to our jobs and the school Adam is going to be attending. We don't know exactly where were going to be but we should know by Friday!! We can't buy a house at this moment in time so we are going to be renting a townhouse somewhere in the valley. We are excited to have a bigger place that is more efficient for us. I will keep everyone posted on where we end up!!