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Friday, July 10, 2009

The 4th of July

Adam and I had a very relaxing 4th of July weekend!! We both had Friday the 3rd of July off since the 4th was on a Saturday. We had been having a mice problem in our shed that's attached to the apartment, so we decided this would be a good opportunity to get that cleaned up. What a way to start the holiday weekend right!! LOL On the 4th we slept in til 1P.M. then went and visited my family for awhile. Around 7 or so we went up to Centervillle to see Adam's family but by the time we got there most everyone was leaving so we didn't get to see there fireworks. After about 2 hours we said our goodbyes and left to go home. We saw some good fireworks on the drive home!!! All in all our 4th was very uneventful which was a welcome change from previous weeks. Unfortunately I did not get a single pic from the days activities. Sorry guys :(
We hope everyone had a great holiday!!