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Monday, May 14, 2012

Fun Times

We have been busy with life lately that I haven't even wanted to blog but we have been up to some fun things that I had to blog about. In April Adam's family was here Adam's sister Sara's graduation from BYU so I had the idea that we should all go the the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. It was very beautiful but not nearly what I expected. I thought it would be fields of tulips but it was more like patches here and there. It was hot and we walked a ton!! Although it was fun spending time with Adam's family I would not do the Tulip Festival again.

Over Easter weekend Adam, his mom Vicki and sister Erin went backpacking in Escalante at Calf Creek Falls. I wanted Adam to post about this but with his busy schedule he does not have much time left to donate to blogging so according to him he had a blast and would love to go back! He said it was freezing most nights but very enjoyable during the day.

Me, my best friend Hollie and her sister Kandi went to Red Butte Garden a couple of weekends ago and had a blast. It was perfect weather and perfect company. We had lunch at Barbocoa first and spent we to long in the gift shop lol. We loved the gardens, got lost a bunch of times but we had lots of good laughs and will go back again but bring the boys with us next time!
