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Thursday, July 2, 2009

When life gives you {LEMONS} make {LEMONADE}.....

So as many of you may know if Adam and I were ever to add a baby into our family it would be through the miracle of adoption. When I was told of this information from the doctor, I was of course devastated and saddened!! I still get upset about it from time to time but for the most part I have come to terms with not having a biological child. When I came across this poem below it summed up my feelings and how they have changed over the last few years. I am grateful for adoption and for the chance it will give Adam and I to have that miracle in our lives. When that day comes and we have a little one in our lives it be amazing!! Wish us luck on our journey!!
When you're going to have a baby. It's like you're planning a vacation to Italy. You're all excited. You get a whole bunch of guidebooks and you learn a few phrases in Italian so you can get around. When it comes time, you pack your bags and head for the airport--- for Italy.Only when you land, the flight attendant says, "Welcome to Holland."You look at one another in disbelief and shock and say. "Holland? What are you talking about? I signed up for Italy!"But they explain there's been a change of plans and you've landed in Holland, where you must stay. "But I don't know anything about Holland! I don't want to stay!"But you do stay. You go out and buy some new guidebooks. You learn some new phrases and you meet people you never knew existed. the important thing is that you are not in a filthy, plague infested slum, full of pestilence and famine. You are simply in a different place than you had planned. It's slower-paced than Italy, and less flashy than Italy, but after a while, after you have the chance to catch your breath, you begin to discover that Holland has windmills. Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandt's.But everyone else you knew is busy coming and going from Italy. They are all bragging about what a great time they had there, and for the rest of your life you will say. "Yes, that's where I was going. That's what I had planned."The pain of that will never, ever go away.you have to accept that pain because the loss of that dream, the loss of that plan, is a very, very significant loss. But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy you will never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland.