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Monday, November 22, 2010

Yes, I Know....

Growing up I have always been petite and slender. I would always be teased about it and I was very self conscious about it. I knew that it would always be like that due to my Alagille syndrome. Even though I knew that its a hard thing to explain to people in the moment and even if I did it would never make sense so I just would shrug it off. As I have gotten older the questions haven't stopped. If I could get a quarter for every-time someone asked me the following things I would be a millionaire by now. Here is what I get asked/told on a ***DAILY*** basis and I wanted to just set the record straight on many of these questions/comments and I know that everybody in the world doesn't read my blog but it helps me get it off my chest. 

1q} Do I eat?    
1a} Yes I eat like a normal human being and sometimes more depending on my mood
2q} Do I try to be this thin?        
2a} No, I am thin like this for a reason trust me people!!
3q} Did you know you are really skinny      
3a} Yes, I do know that and I realize I am skinny
4q} Are you anorexic?       
4a} No, I am not nor have I ever been or ever will be anorexic
5q} Why are you so thin?     
5a} Because my body doesn't process nutrients like it should 
6c} You need to eat more junk food    
6a} Trust me I do eat junk food just ask my Hubby
7c} You need to gain weight.   
7a} I wish I could and trust me I try
8c} I wish I was a thin as you   
8a} Actually no you don't trust me it's not as fun as it looks
9q} Do you enjoy being that thin    
9a} It has its perks sometimes but I wouldn't mind ten more pounds
10q} Are you Bulimic?? 
10a} No I am not that either people..I promise.
You are probably thinking do I really get asked these questions to my face and the sad answer is YES and the majority of the people that ask me these questions are women. It boggles my mind that people feel that they can just ask these questions to me point blank without any hesitation. I was talking to a patient the other day at work and she is about my height and weighs about the same and we were talking about how its socially acceptable to tell someone how thin they are but it's sooo rude and socially unacceptable to tell someone how fat they may be. I have never nor will I go up to someone who is heavier and ask them straight to their face why they are so fat, you just don't do that but yet it's OK to ask someone why they are thin. Trust me sometimes people are just as self conscious about being thin as they are about being fat. Maybe everyone thinks that just because someone is skinny they want to be like that....well I don't but I don't have much choice in the matter. It doesn't bother me much now because I have dealt with it my whole life but it still never ceases to amaze me as to what comes out of people's mouths sometimes!  So next time you go to tell me how skinny I am you don't need to cause guess what... I ALREADY KNOW!!! THANKS :)