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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

20 Questions....and counting!!

 1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket!

 2. Your significant other-Adam 

 3. Your hair? Blonde but I dyed it light brown

 4. Your mother? Jackie 

 5. Your father? Roy Myers

 6. Your favorite thing? Adam, family, football, Monday night TV

 7. Your dream last night? none

 8. Your favorite drink? Diet Mtn Dew

 9. Your dream/goal? - To have a great year!!.

10. The room you're in? den

11. Your fear? death of loved ones

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? In a house, with a great marriage with a new baby

13. Where were you last night? Watching Kyle XY with Adam

12.. What you're not anymore? Single!

15. Muffins? A fancy way to eat bread.

16. One of your wish list items? A organized Den.

17 Where you grew up? Utah

18. The last thing you did? Told Adam I loved him

19. What are you wearing? The same thing I wore to work

20. Your TV?  A 37 inch LCD Vizio

21. Your pet? Luna the goldfish

22. Your computer? A laptop I got as a wedding gift.

23. Your life? Amazing!

25. Missing someone? What can I say I'm a Grandpa's girl

26. Your car? 2005 Dodge Neon

27. Something your not wearing? Shoes

28. Favorite Store? Any place where Adam will let me spend money! LOL

29. Your summer? Got married to the best guy ever!

30. Your favorite color? Red

31. When is the last time you laughed? Just a moment ago

32. Last time you cried? At the movie Marley and Me.

34. FOUR PEOPLE WHO E-MAIL ME? Adam, Daddy Collet, Papa Myers, Mommy

35. FOUR FAVORITE FOODS? Little Ceaser's pizza, Mac and Cheese, WonTon Chicken Salad, Fast Food

36. FOUR PLACES I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW? Hawaii!! I love it there. But right here is good for now.


Michelle Williams said...

Hey thanks for aswering this it was fun to read.