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Monday, April 6, 2009

What a difference a day makes........like a Monday!!!

Here is the account of Adam's MoNdAy.... and oh what a day! Since Adam hardly ever blog's I thought his account of the day would make for a great blog post....so here it is!

- Got in the truck to go to work. Made it a good 20 feet before I realized something was wrong. Sure enough, had a flat...

At this point, didn't think I had a spare (later learned I do, hiding up underneath the back of the truck).
- Knew I was just gonna have to deal with the problem, so I started jacking the car up. Jack broke (handle where it connects to the main body).
- Grandpa (Ashley's Grandpa) shortly arrives to help. We get the truck jacked up. Get the lug wrench out to start tacking the tire off, only to learn the lug wrench is the wrong size. (???). Drive to grandpa's house to retrieve star wrench and drive back.
- None of the four wrenches on the star wrench are the right size (one appears it might be but just isn't deep enough)
- Drive to auto zone and buy a socket wrench and driver.
- It is the right size and we get to work loosening to lug nuts. All is going well until one of the lug nuts turns out, some how, to be a different size than the others!
- We drive back to grandpa's house and get four other sockets, a wrench, and an extender. Driver back to the truck.
- Try out all four sockets (including the likely choice of 7/8 ... the other's were 3/4) ... naturally, none of them work.
- As a side note, at some point during all of this, we discovered that if we ever did get the #(*$&#(*&$ tire off, we would need the broken jack part to lower the spare tire (we were ignoring this fact, having decided that we would just repair the tire instead, and deal with the spare issue at a later point).
- Needless, we gave up, called State Farm to determine they would in fact cover a tow service, then called the tow company.
- Waited 1.5+ hours for tow truck to arrive. Tow truck driver was very nice and helpful, got things going nicely and we talked while driving to the Discount Tire.
- Discount Tire was happy to take a look at the tire. If it was repairable they would do so for free (wow), but I was in line behind a few cars and would have to wait another 1-1.5 hours
- As I had no transportation, I walked to a nearby gas station, bought a Sobe, then went to a Beans & Brew across the street and sat at a bench outside and played around on my phone
- Eventually, I went back to discount tire, learned the side wall of my tire was damaged, paid the 70 some-odd $$ to get a new one, Ashley arrived having gotten of work, and the ordeal was at last over

It was a Monday!

So, how was everyone else's day?