So as many of you know I have always been drawn to children and they seem to adore me as well. Ever since being a nanny to baby Taft and shopping at the baby clothing store called Carter's I can't seem to stay out of that store!! As of this moment there is NO baby in the near future but I can't help but buy baby clothes... I just love them!!! Mr C. and I both want a baby girl so most of the clothes I have purchesed have been for that gender so hopefully my baby clothes addiction will pay off someday and that they won't have to hang in the closet for very long.... You might be thinking why does Mr. C allow me to spend money on such things that are not needed immediatly well to you I say ALLOWANCE!! Yes, I spend my allowance on them but in the long run I hoping it will pay off...someday??? Mr. C is soooo awesome for putting up with my addiction, he even went to Carter's and helped me pick some out!!! I sometimes think that buying baby cholthes is just adding to my baby hunger which it is but seeing them hang in the closet gives me hope that one day our baby girl/boy will wear them and when that day comes I'll probably be at the store buying more for him/her since like I said earlier I can't help it!! Wish us luck!!
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